Nightime 8-14 FW Testing
I was provided the latest test version of this firmware on (8/14) and wanted to start testing it ASAP. Due to this I spent 2 hours Friday night capturing against a number of different lighting situations in the test area. These were all taken on full wide so that no IR drop-off muddied the waters in terms of the test itself.
So before you watch the video, what was the outcome, is the washout solved ? Well this FW
definitely makes steps forward in improving the cameras handling of light BUT unfortunately stops short of fixing the IR washout completely.
When I completed the testing and reviewed the footage after each capture, it became apparent to me that while the Dahua engineers focused on washout, they did it under set lighting scenarios and camera configurations only. As you’ll see from my video (long but timestamped for your reference) it doesn’t appear that there was
much change (only subtle) to the way IR corrects itself
when it is the only light source on a scene. This is even more apparent when you look at a target seen from an angle rather than flat on. To see this, check chapters 1 & 2. However, once you start adding visible light to your scene (even 1 bulb) + IR together you’ll notice the camera adjusts much better than it did before (Chapters 3,4,5) and in my Chapter 6 section I flood the zone with IR + 1x60w foreground + 2x 250w LED’s background and you can visibly see the camera kick down IR strength, IRIS etc much better than before.
I completed testing of both fixed exposures and exposure ranges (all noted in the video) and again with just IR lighting the scene the camera doesn’t correct for the IR itself as much as needed when a target is center of image but at an angle. Therefore I am passing this feedback and the video link to Dahua engineers for further review and work on this FW. I’m also asking them to provide me with their camera settings to see exactly what they were using.
I will say that when I went back and reviewed the Dahua engineer videos, apart from the Auto exposure ones (which as I mentioned I would not recommend for a night configuration) the scene is lit in background therefore their testing appears to have been conducted with slight foreground and ambient background lighting which would match the results I saw in my testing (for clarity: I’m stating that IR+ visible light in same scene = better performance on this FW). I also noted that their testing was completed flat on, i.e at face level and subject pointing straight at camera. While this is certainly 1 way to test and is valid, most people install the cams at around 6.5’ to 7’ (sometimes higher) therefore invoke more of an angle to face hence my testing takes that approach. Lastly, when you look at the testing in my video it would seem that the Dahua adjustments have been made primarily to exposure ranges in the 1/60 to 1/100 area (again with any visible light present), not to fixed exposure (unless visible light is on scene) nor to faster shutter speed ranges (less noticeable 1/100 to 1/120).
Therefore in summary:
- Largest improvements in camera response to minimize washout seen when using exposure ranges 1/60 to 1/100 and when IR is used in conjunction with visible light
- Minor improvements seen when using exposure ranges & IR is the only light on the scene, washout still present unless flat on / face on to target where further improvement is seen
- Minor improvements seen when using fixed exposures and IR only, in fact very little camera adjustment noticed at all in test (scene barely changes) with 1 exception, when using fixed of 1/60 you see the camera adjust quickly and as expected to combat washout. 1/100 is close but still needs further work
- No improvements seen when using 1/100 to 1/120 exposure range by itself
- Asking Dahua to continue analysis and work on some further IR strength adjustments and speed or response to cater for centered IR strength on targets approaching at an angle
33 Minute video but should cater for any particular area you are interested in. Interested in seeing the sweet spot ? If so then check the 1/60 to 1/100 range with visible light at 17:13 and compare to the 1/100 to 1/120 at 18:48 you should notice the difference in adjustments on 1/60. Range of 1/60 to 1/120 is also good but takes longer to adjust
You'll forgive the closed eyes during parts of the video, staring at IR for 2 hours wears on you
** Please note that the Flooding The Zone section DOES include 1 x 60w Bulb Foreground + 2 x 250w Floods background but the title on the clips only mentions the floods **
YouTube Video
2588 x 1520 native resolution - Encoded with h264 for YouTube as the Prores was 74GB
Time Stamps
Chapter 1 - Fixed Exposure IR Only Testing - 14s ~ 4:00
- 14s ~ 1:18 - 1/60
- 1:22 ~ 2:39 - 1/100
- 2:43 ~ 4:00 - 1/120
Chapter 2 - Exposure Range Testing IR Only - 4:00 ~ 12:59
- 4:12 ~ 5:38 - 0 to 1/60
- 5:42 ~ 7:00 - 0 to 1/100
- 7:04 ~ 8:23 - 0 to 1/120
- 8:27 ~ 9:46 - 1/60 to 1/100
- 9:50 ~ 11:20 - 1/60 to 1/120
- 11:24 ~ 12:59 - 1/100 to 1/120
Chapter 3 - Fixed Exposure Testing With IR + 1 x 60w Bulb Foreground - 12:59 ~ 16:59
- 13:13 ~ 14:17 - 1/60
- 14:21 ~ 15:37 - 1/100
- 15:41 ~ 16:59 - 1/120
Chapter 4 - Exposure Range Testing With IR + 1 x 60w Bulb Foreground - 16:59 ~ 24:18
- 17:13 ~ 18:44 - 1/60 to 1/100
- 18:48 ~ 20:09 - 1/100 to 1/120
- 20:13 ~ 21:25 - 1/60 to 1/120
- 21:29 ~ 23:00 - 0 to 1/100
- 23:04 ~ 24:18 - 0 to 1/120
Chapter 5 - Exposure Range Testing With IR + 2 x 250w LED Floods Background - 24:18 ~ 29:43
- 24:33 ~ 26:00 - 0 to 1/60
- 26:04 ~ 27:57 - 0 to 1/100
- 28:01 ~ 29:43 - 0 to 1/120
Chapter 6 - ‘Flooding The Zone’ Exposure Range Testing With IR + 1 x 60w Bulb Foreground + 2 x 250w LED Floods Background - 29:43 ~ 33:14
- 29:58 ~ 31:33 - 0 to 1/100
- 31:37 ~ 33:14 - 0 to 1/120