Stupid me. I didn't realize NX Witness includes automatic failover for free (you install another server, but it's the cameras that are licensed). They have a
youtube video where they are actually running a server on an Intel compute stick with a half dozen 1080P streams and recording with them as a server. I have a slightly larger
Fitlet with much more CPU horsepower than a compute stick gathering dust (bought for a different project that I ended up not needing it). I can hook this up to the TV as a client, and when the server goes down for whatever reason, all the cameras will automatically fail over and record on it indefinitely without any additional cost, change in settings or loss of functionality. While this wouldn't work for someone with an existing investment in a hardware DVR or
Blue Iris, if someone is looking at a new build, they may want to consider this as an alternative option if they were planning on SD cards in all their cameras for failover. I know with Axxon I would have had to pay for an enterprise license for failover which was never going to happen; I think from a cost and labor perspective this could be similar and a good option for some. I'll test this out in the next few weeks and post back if it works and how well in case anyone is interested.