Known around here
Yeah I need a few more turrets unless I decide to just get some ultra bullet haha
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Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
I got five of these from Andy. Going through the installation process of getting cable and figuring out precise mounting points. Only thing I noticed testing them indoors was that one of them makes an audible motor noise when zooming out, and only zooming out, while the others are quiet. Is this anything to be concerned about? It seems to focus and be fine otherwise.
I just want to make sure that these turrets and their housing can withstand the rain. The driveway cam is probably the least protected of all and could take direct rain onto it falling at an angle.
What do you guys use to fill in the 3/4" hole that the pigtail gets shoved into? Caulk or something else? I'm mounting directly to wood siding or wooden eves with no junction box.
Do you consider 9 feet too high for accurate facial ID (for the driveway cam)? I wanted it at 8 feet but I am a little squeamish drilling into a load bearing post that holds the garage wall at the center, especially since the pigtail needs a big hole to fit and hide. At 9ft I can just go through siding and house wrap foam and maybe a single horizontal 2x4.
I got five of these from Andy. Going through the installation process of getting cable and figuring out precise mounting points. Only thing I noticed testing them indoors was that one of them makes an audible motor noise when zooming out, and only zooming out, while the others are quiet. Is this anything to be concerned about? It seems to focus and be fine otherwise.
I'll strongly 2nd this recommendation, except that it looks like you'd want the 5232-4KS2. I started with an LTS8916 and out of frustration took a chance on the 5216-4KS2. BIG improvement if you're running headless or remote access. For local connect I've got no comparison. You will lose 2 disk positions and a bunch of alarm I/Os with the 52xx.5216-4KS2 seems to be a good pairing w/these cams, Ive got a 4216-4k and they work fine.