Here in the UK there was a 1 hour change overnight, this morning all my 4 Hikvision and 4 Dahua cameras were showing the correct time, in the UK that meant going from BST to GMT. (BST British Summer Time to GMT Greenwich Mean Time)
It's now dark outside and what I've just noticed was that my Dahua mini PTZ, a DH-SD1A404XB-GNR was showing a black screen in my BI PC. As it provides IR illumination for a large Dahua PTZ this meant I had two black screens.
A dip into the mini Dahua PTZ's configuration shows that Day-Night had changed itself from Auto which I had set, to Color. Weird, my only explanation is that it's Halloween.
And you, your CCTV system all OK after time changes?
It's now dark outside and what I've just noticed was that my Dahua mini PTZ, a DH-SD1A404XB-GNR was showing a black screen in my BI PC. As it provides IR illumination for a large Dahua PTZ this meant I had two black screens.
A dip into the mini Dahua PTZ's configuration shows that Day-Night had changed itself from Auto which I had set, to Color. Weird, my only explanation is that it's Halloween.
And you, your CCTV system all OK after time changes?