Known around here
It happens very quickly, as in under a second, so it probably won't even show on that graph. Python takes a little time to load and unload so it does show on the CPU.
Hello klee, thank you for your replies. But now I’m confused.
Your Blue Iris Status result is very similar to the ones I get when “Use main stream if available” is checked. It only shows the base level of three images having been analysed. I would therefore assume that the additional six real time images that you require to be analysed have been ignored and not analysed.
You will find that if you uncheck “Use main stream if available“, it will then correctly analyse all nine images. Please try it.
Take a look at the checked/unchecked comparisons I showed early on in this thread.
Am I missing a key point or is there a bug in BI’s software?
PS I get lots of errors of the animal/bird description but I’m OK with that
Wittaj,I have it set to analyze an additional 15 frames one second apart
Are you saving DeepStack analysis details, if so check what images are being analysedyep, that is the dark model as seen by the capital C in Car
It is just strange because some of those clips are under 10 seconds, yet I have enough additional photos being sent for a longer period than the clip and I have tried 1 second and all the ms under 1 second and still same results.
wittaj, if you still haven’t tried Blue Iris Status/Deepstack yet you really must! Presumably, the previous blue border method was removed when this was introduced. It’s very good, you can select each individual image that was used for analysis plus it’s result. They don’t need to be key frames and the one used to confirm or cancel has an asterisk.No not that blue box, the blue border around the entire frame used to turn blue for the image that DS analyzed as mentioned in the help file:
With dual-streaming and direct to disc enabled, main stream frames that are sent through
DeepStack when the camera is triggered are flagged in the BVR file. As these are played in
the viewer with the Analyze with DeepStack option enabled, the image border will be
shown in blue, allowing you to identify precisely which frames were used for the alert
An example is shown on this post:
BI DS analysis timing
Trying to figure out my alert and Deepstack analysis timing So I have a camera that uses IVS intrusion via ONVIF to BI it has a 15 sec 'pre trigger buffer' and a + 10 images per sec setting in AI 7:46:04 beginning of video 7:46:19 alert shows on timeline 7:46:28 is shown on the alert
I had it in an earlier version but now it is gone.