Oh, and for the ones diving into this topic in 2042: yes, OpenVPN is not safe anymore! Do not use it, you will be hacked! Use its backward compatible nephew called NPVnepO! Much safer
</humor off>
There is no such thing as "100% safe", or "100% availability". We are talking about "probabilities". It's like this Windows versus Linux discussions: which one is better/safer/easier... ALL THINGS CAN BE HACKED/WHACKED/CRACKED. It's only a matter of YOU feeling safe/secure/better off than with the other. I wouldn't drive a car without airbags, but if I'd hit a Mustang from 1965 (for a good price that is), I WOULD NOT COMPLAIN IT DOESN'T HAVE AIRBAGS.
Off we go!
From my personal view this isn't about feeling safe or what is better than the next. Its accepting the facts there are weaknesses in the networking environment whether it be physical, electronic, or software related. Every day billions of people smoke and do drugs and both of these things are done with the full knowledge it will kill you.
Everyone likes to jump on the bandwagon and tout about
Risks and how everything is a risk. Sure, getting into the tub each day is a risk but surely its not on the same order as sky diving!

Walking across the road at a pedestrian cross walk is a risk every day at rush hour. There's always going to be that
Guy who tries to race past the blinking lights so he isn't slowed down for his next donut. This same risk is magnified by the stupid imbecils that have their face planted firmly in their phone while walking across the cross walk!
These people are too stupid to live - period . . .
Everyday around the world there are stupid people doing something crazy stupid it defies plain logic. Think, walking down a rail road track with headphones on at the dead of night - like that won't end poorly!
Now, the use of P2P isn't going to kill you, it surely won't reduce your life expectancy, but why increase your risk ten fold?
Of all transport methods used by man today in North America a surface vehicle is the most dangerous to be in. The least dangerous is depending upon its availability is water and rail. Neither of these are used enmass due to their limited entry / exit points to a final destination say the super mall!
P2P is the latest rage and is literally that surface vehicle . . .
Now, if the conversation was about
Feeling Safe vs
Actually being safe. People feel hot, cold, sad, which has no direct relations to being safe. Feeling safe in the P2P scenario is the belief
This awesome company has done everything right for me to quickly setup and access my new toy. That's feeling safe based on no empirical facts just a fancy QR code, Advert, Naked girl pointing to click here.
Safe is keeping all of your hardware up to date in terms of software & firmware to address evolving threats. This of course starts at the edge of the network which is guarded by a firewall to manage the flow of data and negate unsolicited traffic using IDS / IPS. Next is having software antivirus & firewall rules in place on every computer system.
All hardware is added to the internal network based on MAC address . . .
The same network systems are segregated by different subnets and IP class which is bolstered by isolating the same via VLAN. Anyone who has ever contracted or worked for any 3 letter agency knows every asset has a ring back application in place. This very small but powerful application is used to identify itself to the network and if its not present it can never be allowed on the LAN / WAN.
If we assume there was magic in place and the ring back software was not present the sentry system would drop that connection.
That never happens because the person on the other side has zero ability to even connect.
Now, the question always comes up if such a powerful system is available and in place why and how do these people get hacked?!? Because these so called professional IT people don't actually use it!
Management has either told them their risk is so low or say what are the odds??? They override what the IT guy has told them is not if - but when! But, the world is literally controlled by fools who truly believe they know better than the guy who has 9999999999999999999999 years in the field and you pay him $500K a year so you can ignore him?!?!?
People smoke because they are stupid . . . People drive drunk because they are stupid . . . People do drugs because they are stupid . . . People use P2P because they are stupid . . .
Life's about choices - make the right one!