Does BI not record auto tracking videos?


Pulling my weight
Apr 3, 2015
The United States of Gawgia
Just got my new SD4A425DB-HNY installed and running. Auto tracking works just fine but BI does not record the videos. Am I missing something?


Never mind, found anther thread dealing with this and it seems to have fixed it. Just walked to the mailbox and back and all appears well. :)
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Good lol. BI simply takes whatever video is being fed to it so it will accept a tracking video the same as a fixed cam.
Good lol. BI simply takes whatever video is being fed to it so it will accept a tracking video the same as a fixed cam.

There was a couple of settings in BI I had to change before it started working. But it was still recording other action like cars driving by. Vehicle detection is disabled, only people detection is enabled.
There was a couple of settings in BI I had to change before it started working. But it was still recording other action like cars driving by. Vehicle detection is disabled, only people detection is enabled.
This is because you were expecting bi to trigger as normal when the camera is actively tracking...that is not the case unless you disable certain functions that are normal used to avoid false alerts.
If you had set the camera to record continuously it would record without issue.
This is because you were expecting bi to trigger as normal when the camera is actively tracking...that is not the case unless you disable certain functions that are normal used to avoid false alerts.
If you had set the camera to record continuously it would record without issue.

It seems to be working as I expected it to for now. An old man just rode by on a bicycle and it tracked him even tho it's dark out so I'm not complaining. recording continuously seems like a bad idea to me.
And speaking of false alarms, I get tons of those when the wind picks up and rattles the trees. :p
Why does recording continuously seem like a bad idea?

As good as the cams and AI are, it could always miss something, so continuously recording allows you to still get the event.

Make sure you have motion detection and smart motion detection turned off or you will get the false triggers.

Use just IVS. I do not get any false alarms with mine due to tree rattle LOL. But you will with MD and SMD on.
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It seems to be working as I expected it to for now. An old man just rode by on a bicycle and it tracked him even tho it's dark out so I'm not complaining. recording continuously seems like a bad idea to me.
And speaking of false alarms, I get tons of those when the wind picks up and rattles the trees. :p
Recording continuously is not a bad idea. Blue iris will miss a motion event unless you have it set super sensitive. You can record substream continously.
You have false alerts because you have not tuned BI correctly and you are not taking advantage of one of the best BI integrations, Codeproject AI. Why would you not fix this? I get 1 false alert a week max.
You ,however, completely missed my point. My point was not that YOU should record continuously. It was the BI doesnt care what your camera is doing when its recording video. There are specific features in blue iris that tell it NOT to trigger motion events when the entire frame changes which would occur in a tracking event.
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If you do not record continuous, you can miss quite a lot of information that may be vital to the problem that cams are supposed to help you with.

See these two threads. It would not have been possible to solve these problems without continuous recording.

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There's still a lot about BI that I don't understand. I assumed continuous recording would require an enormous increase in storage space. I just switched to continuous on the cam in question and will see what happens.
If you record continuous + triggers, then it will record substream until triggered and then mainstream while triggered and then go back to substream. The substream doesn't use as much storage and even though not mainstream quality, it is better than nothing if the camera didn't trigger for some reason.

Many people here are of the mindset if it happened more than X weeks ago (where X could be a week or 3 weeks), then it probably doesn't matter.

If you have your alerts and notifications set properly and you have full coverage around your house, you will know fairly quickly if you need to look at something. If a neighbor comes and asks you if you caught anything about 3 weeks ago...well unless you are zoomed into their driveway or house, best case is maybe you can say oh I saw a flashlight at 3am on such date, but other than that it would be useless anyway...and unless they can give you an exact date and time, are you really going to scrub thru days of your videos for something that your cameras probably couldn't identify anyway? And if you help all your neighbors, no reason for them to get cameras LOL...

I used to be of the oh just record triggers and have months and months of video, but I never would look at it and if I did it ended up missing whatever it was I was looking for.

Further, 24/7 allows the overview camera to catch peripheral activity around you that motion detection wouldn't capture (unless set way too sensitive). Neighbor car like 6 houses down got sideswiped by a drunk in middle of the night. My overview picked it up blurry at that distance, but noise of collision was captured, so I could get the time and was then used to tie the car to my LPR and the police was able to track owner down.

Without that 24/7 all I could have done was provided a list of plates of vehicles that night.
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If you record continuous + triggers, then it will record substream until triggered and then mainstream while triggered and then go back to substream. The substream doesn't use as much storage and even though not mainstream quality, it is better than nothing if the camera didn't trigger for some reason.

Many people here are of the mindset if it happened more than X weeks ago (where X could be a week or 3 weeks), then it probably doesn't matter.

If you have your alerts and notifications set properly and you have full coverage around your house, you will know fairly quickly if you need to look at something. If a neighbor comes and asks you if you caught anything about 3 weeks ago...well unless you are zoomed into their driveway or house, best case is maybe you can say oh I saw a flashlight at 3am on such date, but other than that it would be useless anyway...and unless they can give you an exact date and time, are you really going to scrub thru days of your videos for something that your cameras probably couldn't identify anyway? And if you help all your neighbors, no reason for them to get cameras LOL...

I used to be of the oh just record triggers and have months and months of video, but I never would look at it and if I did it ended up missing whatever it was I was looking for.

Further, 24/7 allows the overview camera to catch peripheral activity around you that motion detection wouldn't capture (unless set way too sensitive). Neighbor car like 6 houses down got sideswiped by a drunk in middle of the night. My overview picked it up blurry at that distance, but noise of collision was captured, so I could get the time and was then used to tie the car to my LPR and the police was able to track owner down.

Without that 24/7 all I could have done was provided a list of plates of vehicles that night.

Thank you sir. Very helpful.