drug related massacre *GRAPHIC WARNING*

Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
That is how it happens. Notice that the blue car came from the opposite direction and then the red one came and shot the group in passing. The blue car then pulled away as the guy in the white shirt approached and he was shot by someone in the back seat of the blue car. That was exactly the purpose of that blue car being there. No one suspected it was part of the hit.

Several full auto handguns. They really wanted to make sure those guys were dead. Each of the BG's wanted a hand in pumping bullets into each of those guys.


Getting comfortable
Sep 10, 2021
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Miraculously the guy in black in the lower right of the frame seems to have survived. No thanks to the dude in and out of the doorway, with zero sense of urgency.
Jan 6, 2020
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For what it's worth, if you watch the version in the original link provided above, it has the audio synced which enhances the full effects of the gore. You have to dig into the article to find the video link, then when you get prompted for your Instagram login, just click Not Now, or something to that effect. IIRC, the article says 5 died. So the guy out of frame in the lower-right apparently perished (you can see his hands appear in the video periodically). In the very beginning, you can see another guy in the doorway (beside the older guy), he gets shot too, you can watch his shadow on the white interior wall as he drops. He slips out the door shortly after, holding his abdomen while he gets off a couple shots. I'm pretty sure he was the 5th fatality. The old dude, man he got lucky, he leff the circle seconds before the drive-by, else he woulda been downed too.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Holy sh*t.

3 worrying things here apart from the massacre:

1. The drunk guy with a handgun - he pumped more lead into the truck next to him in the parking lot than he shot at the perps vehicle. I'm surprised the gun even cycled as a limp wrist usually causes semi-automatic handguns to jam.

2. The drunk guys goes half way down the driveway exposed at one point and gets shot - why put yourself in the firing line - for one use cover but more importantly, if out gunned and not the target, let the guys go. Had he done that, they may not have come back to finish the job. Why advertise there's another one here. Get out of the firing line and stay out.

Big lesson here - alcohol and guns don't mix

3. How cool was the bartender (?) (Guy in the beige shirt who went in just at the right moment - did he know or see something in advance?). He was almost as if this happens every day. Hell no, that's another few bodies I got to clean up. Casual as anything. He sticks his head out a few times and almost gets shot and then at the end he sticks his head out to look at the dead guys without even checking to the right to see if anyone is still there.

If I'd have been there, I think I'd have been out the back door, over the fence and far far away in someones house or garden....
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Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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One other interesting point, the video quality was poor but wasn't totally useless unlike many CCTV videos from stores - I see it was a Wyze camera. Perhaps ok as a cheap over view but would definately struggle with an ID though. Have to note as well, ambient lighting was quite strong near the doorway. Might not have faired so well had it been much darker. Definately prefer a Hik or Dahua. Shows the difference between Home vs good commercial quality quite well. Especially if you compare this to a 5442 or 4k X2 which are as clear as day.
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Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
We all reap what we sow. This seemed to be a ordered hit, not done just randomly or for no reason. Regardless why, this is why coach-roaches will someday rule the world better then we have. I would say monkey's but we are killing them quickly enough that they will become extinct first...lucky them.

And yes, user8963 I liked the fat guy in the yellow shirt as well. Lucky as hell and just indifferent to all of it.

As for the automatic weapons, ONLY at that range, are they effective. Unless mounted. You can keep them unless they allow me to mount a Phalanx CIWS (R2D2) on top of my house, but doubt that's going to happen. They would be VERY effective on the boarder. Just say'n.