DS-2CD2032F: E-mail Suddenly Stopped Working

Can anyone tell me where I can get the firmware for DS-2CD3132-i It doesn't appear to be on hikvision site. Been searching web for hours but can't find anything. I need it to fix gmail issue thanks
Thanks I guess if the latest version doesn't fix it then I'm out of luck. Any suggestions for options? Thanks

I join your conversation, because I had the same problem and I was able to fix it.

You need the new Firmware 5.4.0.
You can get it here:
http://www.hikvisioneurope.com/port...irmware/Front-ends/01--IPC/R0 platform(2xx2)/

After the installation you have to enter the following in the email-Tab:
SMTP Server : smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Port : 587
Email Encryption : TLS
STARTTLS: enabled
Authentication: enabled
Username : (gmail address)
Password : (gmail app password)

Important: You have to create a specific gmail-app-password in the security-settings of your gmail-Account.

And tadaa, it works again.
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