ds-7104sn in chinese to english


May 15, 2015
i have a problem with firmware for DS-7104SN without PoE.
i Have download fw 3.0.13 from baidu forum - translate by Google and install it by tftp.
nvr was working, but everything is in chinese.
i try to modified language to 1 by hiktool but no Effect.
also there is no option to enable Telnet ;(
what else can i do?

The Hiktool program changes the language in the header of a firmware file - not the language setting in the flash of an NVR or camera - so that the device won't reject the firmware with a 'language mismatch' error.
Do you still have the original English version of the firmware, or a backup of the mtdblocks and configuration from before the update?
Nothing before update
but 3.0.13 eng version from hikvision i have.
when i try update from usb - of courde 3.0.13 eng version there is probably error? ... i dont know Because in chinese ;(
thank you a lot! :) it is now in multi-language!
and what is most important for me - in Polish :D

soft is: 3.0.10 build 141201

is it option to have newer soft with multi language?
Официально нет.
Мультиязычные прошивки для этого аппарата не имеют русского языка.
Ну эта прошивка откуда то взялась! Ее тоже не должно было бить! Сегодня поковыряю 1024x768.cfg, может там что найду!
из комплекта сделай сам.
А где взять хотя бы 1024x768.cfg с русским или gui_value.cfg или где там русский хранится, не переводить же все вручную?