Easiest cameras to disable IR on the fly?


Young grasshopper
Dec 14, 2014
So the camera I will soon buy will be posted right above the center of my front door - literally maybe a foot above the door frame or less.

I abhor spiders and have no desire to be walking into them... While I'm planning on getting a turret as recommended by most to avoid spiders...

I still think they may make their way over and try to setup a home base. I'd like a camera that I could easily turn off the IR without rebooting the camera.

Does such a camera exist where I could just turn on and off the IR from a web or app interface?

So the camera I will soon buy will be posted right above the center of my front door - literally maybe a foot above the door frame or less.

I abhor spiders and have no desire to be walking into them... While I'm planning on getting a turret as recommended by most to avoid spiders...

I still think they may make their way over and try to setup a home base. I'd like a camera that I could easily turn off the IR without rebooting the camera.

Does such a camera exist where I could just turn on and off the IR from a web or app interface?

You can enable and disable IR on the hikvisions from the web interface without a reboot.
In most cams IRs can be disabled via app or web interface. There is 1-2 second transition period when you enable/disable IR and camera adjusts.
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