A forecast out to Aug 6th?? The NWS cannot even forecast the next day, based on my 60 years of watching the weather. The standard forecast is today's weather is tomorrow's forecast.
Genmon fetches everything and sends it to the MQTT broker. Then Node Red -> InfluxDB -> Grafana. It has taken me longer to setup the dashboard than anything else!
I had to run ethernet out to the generator for the Raspberry Pi to host genmon out there. Wifi just wasn't cutting it with the RPi buried inside the generator cabinet. Took me a couple iterations of trying various RPi cases. Had to find one that could enclose the RPi with the pintsize.me HAT, was somewhat water resistant, and that could also fit a fan inside. I don't need it water proof (since it's located inside the battery cabinet where it stays dry at the top) but I needed air flow for the fan and I needed something where indirect rain/moisture couldn't land on the RPi/HAT and short anything out.
Yeah, I hate wifi so I ran multimode fiber to the generator in the trenched conduit
FEMA just asked for proof of address, proof of outage and the sales receipt for my generator, I kind have a feeling I'm going to get my Ecoflow Delta 2 for free
Yeah, I hate wifi so I ran multimode fiber to the generator in the trenched conduit
FEMA just asked for proof of address, proof of outage and the sales receipt for my generator, I kind have a feeling I'm going to get my Ecoflow Delta 2 for free
I guess my question is, what is it for? People that don't have insurance? Deducible payout?
I guess I need to read up on that. I should have checked into this during Hurricane Michael back in 2018. I've gotten SBA loans before via FEMA decades ago but have never used them for anything else.