Funny thing about the internet....everything you say is recorded in perpetuity. You dedicated an entire thread as to why you dont care if your network is secure. Now, you are trying albeit unsuccessfully, to setup a vpn.
Nothing is free. A china seller did not provide that camera to you for free. "haha besides all cameras are from china aren't yours" that simply makes no sense. You need to articulate yourself better. If you are going to try and be funny buy pretending not to understand the china region reference you need to punctuate better. Folks like you have been here in the past. They think they are smarter than everyone else, they cheap out. Generally, they are like you, folks who have very little understanding of networking and cameras. They only realize their errors down the road when their system is not working properly and they dont have the technical skill to resolve it.
Your experience epitomizes "penny wise, pound foolish".