Firmware 5.3.0 for IPC 2xx2 and 2xx0

What the default password for DS-2CD2232-I5?
That depends on the firmware version.
Have you tried: 12345, 123456789abc and then the 'device activation' which can be done via web GUI or SADP 3.x
Dear hugo,

Could you please email me the 5.2.5 firmware. The camera was in 5.2.5. I upgraded it to 5.3.0. The camera took the update, but I cannot access the camera anymore. SADP cannot see the camera. The leds on the camera light up. Here is my email "paanghel at" Replace "at" by @. Is it possible to restore the old firmware? Thanks.

I have this exact same problem. I bought a DS-2CD2412F which came today. When I got it, it was already activated for some reason. I hunted down how to generate a secure password and got things reset to default. Next I hunted down the latest firmware, 5.3.0 and uploaded via the web. It rebooted. Now I can't get into it. it doesn't respond to pings. It doesn't respond to web browsing. SADP v2 and v3 don't see it. I'm screwed.

I've read through the forum and of what I've read, the links don't work that point to any of the tftp solutions. I don't see a tftp server program on Hikvisions website (US and Euro) and I don't see any instructions on how to do it. (I have tftp server software already if it works with any which I'm sure it does - it's an old standard.) Yeah, I'm sure it's there somewhere, but I'm already frustrated. Does anyone have any working links and specific instructions?

Please respond with help only. I don't need questions asking why I upgraded. That's not help, that's a hindrance.


I found this and really thought I was on to something...

I recently FUBAR'd my 2332. Here is what I did to recover it:

0) download the firmware you want to load on the camera. Should have the name digicap.dav (or digicam.dav?)
1) configure a segment of my LAN for subnet
2) get my PC on that segment and assign static IP of
3) reboot the camera
4) the camera comes up on -- ping that address until it responds
5) telnet
6) log in with: root & 12345
6a) Now, you are at the shell prompt for the failsafe boot loader
7) From your PC, use an FTP program and connect to
8) from the FTP program, type 'put digicap.dav'
9) return to the telnet login and do an 'ls -l'. You should see the digicap.dav file in the root directory (/)
10) from the telnet login, type 'upgrade'
11) the Camera will upgrade the program in flash with the contents of the digicap.dav file
12) from the telnet login, type reboot
13) when the camera comes up, you can access the web configuration page @
14) enable DHCP on the configuration page
15) reboot the camera again
16) undo the LAN address configuration in steps 1-2.
17) find your camera on your LAN and reconfigure

Unfortunately my camera responds to PING three times, then stops for awhile and then responds three times again. I think it's stuck in a loop rebooting, but can't tell. I've tried timing it to telnet, SSH, and HTTP into it at the time of replies, but not luck. Damn!
I've read through the forum and of what I've read, the links don't work that point to any of the tftp solutions. I don't see a tftp server program on Hikvisions website (US and Euro) and I don't see any instructions on how to do it. (I have tftp server software already if it works with any which I'm sure it does - it's an old standard.) Yeah, I'm sure it's there somewhere, but I'm already frustrated. Does anyone have any working links and specific instructions?
See your other post.
And the link in the first post here for the Hikvision-specific tftp software that's required, and instructions:
I'm adding another camera to my DS-7608NI-E2/8P with V3.0.10 build 141126 on it, but with the new update, I get network abnormal. I assume it's because the login info isn't admin/12345 and it does not have the same ip address as the older cameras after a factory reset. I set the password in the GUI and told the NVR to use manual settings and set the password to match the camera. I also set the ip address as or whatever the factory default is for the older firmware for the cameras, but still no luck.

Is the only way to use POE to connect it to the network switch and direct the NVR to the camera over the network? This is a pain since I pre-ran the wire for the camera to the NVR and not the switch, plus NVR is on battery backup.
What model of camera, and what firmware version on it?
to use manual settings and set the password to match the camera. I also set the ip address as
The PoE interface is usually in the range 192.168.254.x
On the NVR PoE port that you have set to manual - presumably it has an IP address assigned in the range above.
With the PC or laptop simply wired to a spare PoE port on the NVR, no need to change the PC IP address, assuming the camera is plugged in to that PoE port, you should be able to see the camera and modify it's IP address to match that of the PoE port that you set to manual.
At the point the camera should connect OK, unless the older 3.0.10 NVR firmware does not support the maybe new model of camera.
What model of camera, and what firmware version on it?

The PoE interface is usually in the range 192.168.254.x
On the NVR PoE port that you have set to manual - presumably it has an IP address assigned in the range above.
With the PC or laptop simply wired to a spare PoE port on the NVR, no need to change the PC IP address, assuming the camera is plugged in to that PoE port, you should be able to see the camera and modify it's IP address to match that of the PoE port that you set to manual.
At the point the camera should connect OK, unless the older 3.0.10 NVR firmware does not support the maybe new model of camera.

I'll try that. Thank you. Can't believe this update has caused so many issues. It was just plug and play with the old firmware.
See your other post.
And the link in the first post here for the Hikvision-specific tftp software that's required, and instructions:

You are probably right.
It sounds like you are going to have to explore the tftp recovery method.
In the link on the first post here is a copy of the Hikvision-specific tftp server and instructions.
There is a fair chance the firmware there will also work OK, but depends on what camera you have, and when it was manufactured.

To put closure on my woes:

I gave up and started a support case with Hikvision. Their response was that it was a gray market Chinese model and they wouldn't support it. (No thanks Hikvision!)

So I ordered a new one from someone else who advertised it as being a US model. When it came in, I compared the two. THIS IS GOOD INFO TO KNOW FOR THOSE WHEN YOU BUY ONE OF THESE: The Chinese market camera has almost all Chinese writing on the back label. The US market one is in ALL English. Easy to figure out when you know that. And yes, it's a "Duh" moment, but think how much stuff you have that's made in China and still has SOME Chinese writing on it. Also the US market camera has a UL sticker on it as well.

My camera came with 5.2.5 firmware which was working, but made the camera fail when I upgraded it to 5.3.0. I noticed the back label showed it shipped with the latest firmware, but that's not what I got. So the importer that sold it to me flashed it with a modified older firmware - and thus no support for it.

New one is working fine, I can watch my young boys in their bedroom and make sure they aren't trying to kill each other. Haven't gotten audio working yet, but will when I have more time. A lot of hassle to try to originally save about $10.
What model of camera, and what firmware version on it?

The PoE interface is usually in the range 192.168.254.x
On the NVR PoE port that you have set to manual - presumably it has an IP address assigned in the range above.
With the PC or laptop simply wired to a spare PoE port on the NVR, no need to change the PC IP address, assuming the camera is plugged in to that PoE port, you should be able to see the camera and modify it's IP address to match that of the PoE port that you set to manual.
At the point the camera should connect OK, unless the older 3.0.10 NVR firmware does not support the maybe new model of camera.

That worked perfectly. Thank you so much!