Firmware 5.5.53 installed, but palemoon not working


Mar 3, 2019
Reaction score
Western Australia
Hello everyone.
I came here via google, and have searched around but can not find a solution to my issues. I joined up to say hi, and to see if anyone else has experienced what I am experiencing.

Camera: DS2CD2342WD-I
Firmware before update: V5.5.0 Build 170725
Firmware After updated: V5.5.53 Build 180730

Reason for upgrade: A couple of my cameras had reverted back to recording continually in the last few months, after about 3 years of recording on event. I prefer to record on event, a little on the sensitive side with a long post-recording to make sure I capture everything. The breaks in recording make it easy to navigate through and review when using the IVMS app on a smart phone.

Upgrade process: Downloaded what looks to be the last firmware update for this line of cameras. Extracted the .dav and upgraded the camera directly through its webUI via he NVR vhost. I chose a camera on my network that is rarely accessed and reviewed. One of the least valuable, to see if it works okay. I have spares of the same camera that I can use to replace it. I ordered 5 cameras but only installed 3 and it was enough coverage. However, I still don't want to lose a camera if I can avoid it.

Problems post upgrade: The first thing I noticed was I get no picture on palemoon in live view. If I hit the drop down box (thats new) and choose the VLC icon I get a live view. However, I cant see it in the configuration->Image section. This means I cant do things like set up motion detection zones or cross the line etc.

I read that there has been a change from webcomponents to winsockets and thought I might be able to use firefox. But that didnt work. I tried it in Chrome, and that didnt work, and neither did Edge, but I didnt expect it to work.

So after all of that, I decided maybe I will just revert back to firmware 5.5.0 Build 170725. After all, I still have that .dav file saved.

I went to upgrade via the webUI but my upgrade function is just not there anymore!!!
See attachment

I then tried to use IVMS to upgrade (downgrade) but it says "Upgrade failed" in red writting in the bottom right hand corner. I can confirm it did indeed fail. I tried to roll back to a few different version without success.

If anyone knows how I can get the webUI working in windows 10 please let me know. This would be the most ideal situation. Failing that, if anyone knows how to roll back from this "final" upgrade where it looks like they took out the upgrade function because the product is no longer supported that would also be swell.

Thanks if you read all that!




IPCT Contributor
Feb 15, 2018
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Houston Tx
did you delete the installed web components ? I have cameras from the same manufacture that use different plugins.

Is palemoon the 32 bit version ?

I have never upgraded the firmware on a camera. It normally creates more problems than it solves. I it is not broke do not fix it.



Mar 3, 2019
Reaction score
Western Australia
No I didn't delete webcomponants, I still get an image on the camera that didn't get an update so it's all still good. 32 bit palemoon I think, but I'm not at my PC now. I'll check in the morning and report back.

Yeah I read during my research into this that upgrading isn't the wisest move. Kinda odd, and goes against most IT logic but a lot of people are saying it and I'm starting to believe it!!


Mar 3, 2019
Reaction score
Western Australia
As a long shot - try clearing the browser cache to see if the upgrade dialogue re-appears.
Also - try upgrading using the Batch Configuration Tool - from here : Tools - Download - Hikvision
The browser cache didn't work unfortunately.
I have downloaded the batch configuration tool but it doesn't want to find my cameras through the NVR vhost. It finds the NVR fine. I am guessing it needs to be on the same network segment for it to work. I did have a small PoE switch for such things but it appears to be screwed (no LED lights). It's a public holiday here in Perth West Aust. today but I might pick up a PoE switch tomorrow and give it another bash. I should have one on hand anyway because I am always fiddling with things so it will be good to have.

Maybe all I need to do is some magic on the NVR. Currently my network is 192.168.0.* with the cameras on 192.168.254.*
My networking skills are definitely sub standard but maybe if I get them on the same segment I could see them with this batch config tool.

Thanks for the lead!


Mar 3, 2019
Reaction score
Western Australia
Well, I found somewhere you could batch upgrade through the NVR with that batch config tool.
System->System Management-> IPC upgrade.

I chose the .dav file and the camera in question and clicked Upgrade. It took about 5 minutes, quite a long time to complete the update.
However I think this is now what you call a brick :D
If I try to connect to it, it says ;

Access Error: 404 -- Not Found
Can't locate document: /doc/page/login.asp

and when I look at it through ivms (PC) I can see it looks like it is connected but any attempt to connect to it to change settings or anything results in the ivms client freezing.
The camera also does not show up on the ivms android client anymore.
Ironically, I can see it on my NVR split screen. I just cant seem to do anything with it. Select it and choose delete camera and it says there is no camera there to delete. It's like it is there, but it isnt.

I'll keep fiddling with it and see what happens. I noticed an option to upgrade on the NVR. Maybe I'll stick the .dav file on a USB and try and do it through the NVR


Mar 3, 2019
Reaction score
Western Australia
I am still wondering about the technical details as to why the latest (and last for this line of cameras) firmware didn't work with Pale Moon. I am guessing they ditched webcomponants for a different technology? It makes me hesitant to buy any new cameras from Hikvision. I like to just use the webUI mainly and just use the PC version of IVMS for some things like retrieving footage that I might need to keep.

All's well that ends well I suppose. Thanks for your support. These cameras would be absolutely useless without community support. Hikvision should do more to support forums like these, like basing company reps in them or something. I suspect I am just saying what everyone knows though. Thanks again.