Firmware Update to Add Channels


Apr 18, 2024
Hello Everyone,

I did do a serach before I posted but didn't find anything relevant, unless I just wasn't searching for the right terms.

Is it possible to flash the fimrware of a hikvision or variant 8ch nvr to a 16ch nvr? I haven't actually looked at the boards inside the NVR but I suspect they should be identical, minus the POE switch side of things.

For instance flashing an LTS LTN8608-P8 to LTN8716-P8.

I realize the complexity of the task and I'm familiar with the consequences etc. I just wanted to see if anyone has attempted something like this.
Many times the firmware is the same, but it is hardware and hard-code limited.

But if you wanna try it for the good of the forum, go for it at your own risk lol.
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Is it possible to flash the fimrware of a hikvision or variant 8ch nvr to a 16ch nvr?
The capabilities are coded into the bootpara data that's written into the flash during manufacturer - the firmware isn't different, it just adapts to the hardware it's executing in.

I haven't actually looked at the boards inside the NVR but I suspect they should be identical, minus the POE switch side of things.
The more channels and the higher processing bandwidth, the more RAM, clockspeed and CPU / DSP cores are in the hardware.
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