We recently took over the monitoring for this dealership. The original camera system was a VisualInt system, which was insanely expensive, that was monitored by another monitoring company that was similar to a burglar alarm monitoring service. We reviewed the software that they were using to monitor this system and determined that it was junk. The reason that the customer was shopping around for another monitoring company was because the current one was not catching anything and they were being charged by the alert that the monitoring center received. They had a camera in the shop that was facing the alignment rack and everytime a light would blink, the camera would pick it up and send an alert to the monitoring center. We spent weeks trying to work with this VisualInt system, which is a sister company under SnapAV, but we determined that the recorders and software were just terrible. We installed a Dahua NVR and several 2MP turrets on the property near the choke points so we could take advantage of the analytics. We ended up catching this guy a few nights ago as he walked around and went through customer cars. The PTZs are VisualInt, which we haven't really figured out the manufacturer yet. At some point, we will swap out all of the cameras there for Dahua cameras.