Funny / Satire

I swear, I think the DC democrats have a contest going on to see who is the most ignorant in DC. Right now, Brandon, Harris, Pelosi and AOC are all tied for first place. But, give it a few more weeks. I am sure there will be some other superstars that have aspiring hopes of winning that title.
You left out Schumer and Nadler, two more prized examples. Then there's Cory Booker, Spartacus in Chief, in his leather skirt.
And she's just a heart beat away from being President. The people who voted for her should hang their heads in shame and be banned by Federal Law from ever voting in a Presidential Election again.

I’m still going to wager a bet that at least 40% of those who “voted” for them in 2020 were either buried 6’ under, or were truly not eligible to vote.
^^^^ That still leaves about 50 million morons.
When CNN didn't throughly drive home the point that these crisis actors are supposed to be dead bodies.......Multiples of them are moving around.......:winktongue:

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More evidence of Nonexistent Journalism... This was some bullshit publicity stunt several years ago in Denmark (?) or somewhere claiming climate change was killing people all over the world and something has to be done now (just re-read that in Greta's voice). Somebody re-purposed it -- probably Russian sympathizers-- to try to paint Ukraine negatively.