Funny / Satire

If my pants I decided to wear out in public are too small and it makes my dick hurt because the too small of pants are cutting off the blood circulation to it, the very last thing I would do is have surgery and reduce the size of my dick so that my too small of pants size doesn't hurt it anymore.:banghead: Why are these stupid fuck women allowed to be a headline? They are not even back page news worthy. They are just plain stupid fucks.......the future generations are doomed.:screwy:

If my pants I decided to wear out in public are too small and it makes my dick hurt because the too small of pants are cutting off the blood circulation to it, the very last thing I would do is have surgery and reduce the size of my dick so that my too small of pants size doesn't hurt it anymore.:banghead: Why are these stupid fuck women allowed to be a headline? They are not even back page news worthy. They are just plain stupid fucks.......the future generations are doomed.:screwy:

My brain hurts after trying to read that………


With the price of fertilizer today, I’d love it if someone were to do that in front of my house.

I’d have that all used up by supper time.