HELP! Cant find DS-2CD2432F-IW after updating firmware to 5.4.41_170312

The camera never connects to the TFTP. Doesn't the brick-fix tool require Hikvision TFTP to upload a *.dav file?
Yes, it does.
And usually the reason for no tftp handshake is on the PC side - for example (and apologies if you've already tried these) :
Windows firewall not having an inbound 'allow' rule for tftpserve.exe (usually automatically created when responding to the Windows popup when the tftp updater is first run).
PC and camera directly connected.
PC on WiFi, not wired.
Windows 10 can sometimes not work reliably with the tftp updater.
There is zero TFTP handshake when the Hikvision TFTP server is set to
Are you able to use Wireshark to check for the probes from the camera?
It's so weird. There really is no handshake. I have all my nic(s) disabled except the wired nic. Zero firewall (all disabled). Also, what's weird is that I get zero ping replies when I perform "ping -t" and/or "ping -t" as soon as I plug in the camera to the PoE switch. I only get a ping response from "ping -t" command after 10 minutes or so. I guess the last thing I need to do is Wireshark.
This is really weird. There is zero trace of its existence within Wireshark either. Only when I ping after 10 minutes of it being powered on is I get a ping reply and I can also see it in Wireshark. Other than the ping reply, the damn camera doesn't have trace... So odd. This must be even more sophisticated minimum system setup...
The camera has a hardware 'watchdog' that is periodically reset by the main app davinci. In the absence of davinci feeding the watchdog there is a 10 minute countdown before it reboots the camera into 'min-system' recovery mode. In this state SADP should find it with a firmware version of 4.0.8 showing.
It looks like your next step may be hooking up to the serial console if you really want to recover it.