Going down to 3 seconds from 10 seconds had no appreciable effect on CPU utilization, but it did reduce the memory footprint a little bit.
Are there any PCI Express video cards which use an onboard intel chip with QuickSync and have an HDMI port?
At the moment, I really see no appreciable difference between my dual 6-core XEON R710 server and this i7-7700k machine. I have both running side-by-side, and their CPU and memory utilization is virtually identical. And yes, both have D2D enabled, but the dual Xeon 6-core does not have QuickSync. The dual Xeon does have an NVidia-chipset add-on video card to drive the monitor and is running in 2160p, while the i7-7700k simply uses the on-board Intel 630 on the Gigabyte motherboard and is connected at the moment to a 1080p Dell Ultrasync display.