HIK DS-7616NI bricked with new firmware 4.0

Jan 25, 2021
Im hoping to see if anyone has had this issue. any fixes.
Upgraded firmware on hik NVR DS 7616NI AU model.
pattern doesnt save, user name is whited out and cant enter.
NVR wont work. has Ver4.0 firmware now.
IVMS and SADP tools dont connect to NVR.

I can ping
i can use the TFTP tool (tftpserv ver1.0)and connect successfully. but then it looks for a file econt-vision-av2000
ip of computer is
connected directly and through router, same outcome.
cant seem to get rid of this file its trying to install. econt-vision-av2000

Hik suggests a serial port is needed to flash firmware, various other threads suggest TFTP tool.

im at a loss now..

[2021-01-26 11:47:10] TFTP server[] initialized

[2021-01-26 11:48:55] Connect client[] success

[2021-01-26 11:48:55] Open file[C:\TFTP\econt_Vision-AV2000] failure

[2021-01-26 11:48:58] Connect client[] success

[2021-01-26 11:48:58] Open file[C:\TFTP\econt_Vision-AV2000] failure

[2021-01-26 11:49:02] Connect client[] success

[2021-01-26 11:49:02] Open file[C:\TFTP\econt_Vision-AV2000] failure
Upgraded firmware on hik NVR DS 7616NI AU model.
pattern doesnt save, user name is whited out and cant enter.
You are not alone - the update has resulted in a corrupted configuration database.
It's a known bug.
Hikvision advise a specific update route to V4.x to avoid this problem.

i can use the TFTP tool (tftpserv ver1.0)and connect successfully. but then it looks for a file econt-vision-av2000
That won't work because it has a filesize limit of 32MB, the V4.x firmware is larger.
Scott Lamb's tftp updater clone gets round that size limit :

cant seem to get rid of this file its trying to install. econt-vision-av2000
That's not a file it's looking for.
On bootup the NVR probes the network to discover devices to add to the 'found list'.
It just so happens that the method used to probe for ArecontVision devices (a UDP packet on a specific port) is very similar to the handshake probe used in the Hikvision tftp updater.
So the updater comments on it in a confusing way.
You are not alone - the update has resulted in a corrupted configuration database.
It's a known bug.
Hikvision advise a specific update route to V4.x to avoid this problem.

That won't work because it has a filesize limit of 32MB, the V4.x firmware is larger.
Scott Lamb's tftp updater clone gets round that size limit :

That's not a file it's looking for.
On bootup the NVR probes the network to discover devices to add to the 'found list'.
It just so happens that the method used to probe for ArecontVision devices (a UDP packet on a specific port) is very similar to the handshake probe used in the Hikvision tftp updater.
So the updater comments on it in a confusing way.

thanks for that. do i need to run a .py file with a specific program?
as the zip is a .py file
I flashed ok a few days ago using latest firmware from us Hikvision. Mine is international version 7616ni. Is this issue for au ones?
is the two tftp programs running side by side a bit better? cant find any settings to see what im doing wrong.
any tftp settings ?
I cant put screenshot up here......arrrhhhhh
I cant get python to run the file.
cmd can run python but cant get anything to work.
If there is no RS232 interface on the back panel, there will be a TTL serial connector on the main board.
You'll need a couple of things to hook up to the serial console :

A 4-pin 1.5mm JST ZH wired connector. Widely available on eBay, usually in 10-packs.
A USB to TTL serial adaptor, such as a PL2303TA-based one, again widely available on eBay.

The connector is likely to look like this :
i think i see data but its gibberish and not readable, changed tx and rx no better.
control U does not seem to work.


  • hikpic2.jpg
    3.4 MB · Views: 39
i think i see data but its gibberish and not readable, changed tx and rx no better.
Which pins did you connect to?
Did you connect according to post #4 here, the middle 2 pins -

And baud is set to 115200 8 bits no parity?
changed to another adapter. finally in and can request commands etc help..
tried hik tftp sever, not working
tried ping from computer nothing. 100% loss
tried ping from HIK cmd line nothing..
tried tftp32, error 11001, not sure of any settings really. just trying all.
almost there. anyone got anything to try please..


  • hik-serial-page.jpg
    2.7 MB · Views: 42
changed to another adapter. finally in and can request commands etc help..
That's good, you've made progress.
Now, here is what you can do :

Drop the digicap.dav from the same firmware you last installed in to the folder where tftp32 is installed.
Start the tftp server.
Note down the IP address of the PC.
With the NVR powered off, start PuTTY and open the saved setting that you've been using.
Power on the NVR and very quickly (or even start before you power on the NVR) type Control-U to interrupt the bootloader.
You will enter the update menu.

At this menu you will need to -
Specify the PC IP address.
Pick an IP address for the NVR to use temporarily, in the same range as the PC.
Confirm you want to do the update.
Watch the progress, and when it completes and the NVR reboots, it will be in the 'Inactive' state where you need to specify your own strong password.
This is most easily done with SADP, especially if you also need to change the NVR IP address back to what it used to be, away from the default value.

Good luck!