Hikvision 5MP cams

confirmed? where?
So, I'm not impressed by the night-time performance vs the old 3MP.
Here are some stills extracted from BI, 'Front West' is the old 3MP bullet.
All IR's on for both sets of shots (so same lighting)

front_w 2016-6-15 PM.jpgCam1 2016-6-15 PM.jpg
front_w 2016-6-15 PM.jpgCam1 2016-6-15 PM.jpg
front_w 2016-6-15 PM.jpgCam1 2016-6-15 PM.jpg

I mean, it's not horrible, and I wasn't expecting a huge diff at night,
but it does look to me like the old 3MP wins out here...


I've got a couple of Longse S500's on the way, so we'll soon see if they can provide better ID'ing of persons
on the sidewalk at night, which was the point of my current 'upgrade' . At least, that's how i'm justifying it... :-)
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I should probably say "I told you so" :)... You will be much happier with Longse at night, during a day it might be a tie. In terms of IDing depends on the distance and lens you got.
That's disappointing. Have you tried adjusting the settings to see if night performance improves?
@pozzello I believe you are expecting too much. The economy 2 series cameras are not suitable for person recognition. Additionally the maximum usable distance of these cameras with IR is no more than 2 meters. In this way the third set of your pictures only proves that there was somebody there but you should not be interested of who he is. The first two sets of pics are the most representative quality of these cameras. If you want better image quality you must either buy a more expensive camera (darkfinder??) or add extra daylight fixtures triggered by some motion detector (for energy economy).

Nevertheless vey usefull pics.
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I had actually intended to order the -F version with SD cards from the same seller, but i messed up. oh well.
ordered 6/7, got a message to clarify lens option almost immediately, shipped 6/10 via DHL, arrived 6/14. not bad!

got one up and running on the bench. default password is 1234567a, version 5.4.0-xxx, multi-language defaulting to english.

First thing I notice is that 2MP mode (16x9 @ 1080x1920) is NOT wider then 5MP (4:3) mode, unlike the older 3MP cams.
Looks like they are no longer down-sampling from the fullwidth of the sensor for 2MP mode, which to me means night
images in 2MP mode won't be using as much light (less pixels) as the 3MP cams. not important, really, as I plan to
use them at full rez 4:3...

I saw that these are PAL only, so only minor issue using these in the US, since they run at 50Hz?