HikVision DS-2CD2042WD-I update tips


Mar 2, 2019
tl;dr you may have to "Reset all the parameters, except the IP ..." to upgrade.

I was having problems upgrading to the latest firmware. Firmware upgrade attempts resulted in "firmware upgrade failed" (some message like that).
If the camera was reset using "Reset all the parameters, except the IP parameters and user information, to the default settings." (under Upgrade & Maintenance) then the firmware upgrade would work.

The firmware upgrade must be done from a short path, e.g. C:\Users\user1\Downloads\digicap.dav . If I used the IE 11 "virtual path" (C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Virtualized\C\Users\ulug\Downloads\digicap.dav) then teh upgrade would fail silently or with an error message "file path is too long".

Just wanted to pass along this bit of hard-won information.