Hikvision DS-2CD2332(D)-I replacement DS-2CD2335(D)-I


Getting comfortable
Dec 8, 2014
Tracy, California
2335 already came out. anyone has the hacked English version yet? because hard to find the 2332 anymore.
I tried to order 2332 from a Chinese dealer. they told me now hikvision discounted the 2332 and replaced by the2335 model.
Thats correct. not sure if there is any difference, but will of course be a 5.3.0 firmware.
I've just actually bought a couple of the DS-2CD2332s from Aliexpress two weeks ago - from what I can see the 2332 are 20fps at 2048x1536 whereas the 2335 can do 25fps.

The 2335 lists Ehome and Ezviz but I'm seeing some people here say that they've had Ezviz access working anyway - I've never used any of these and they haven't turned up yet so can't comment.

Looking forward to them arriving so I can have a tinker - it's standard that I go and order something the day it's replaced anyway :)

I found the specs of the 2335 here:

I hope so - they've not arrived but are supposed to be 5.2.5 in English. At the speed the guys on here are going 5.3.0 may be sorted by then!
They've arrived today - one box shows firmware 5.2.8 on the outside and the other 5.3.0 - I haven't fired them up yet so hopefully at some point tomorrow I'll get chance.
It is 5.3.3 firmware with 2335 camera. The firmware can not unpacked by hiktool as well as 2x42 5.3.1 firmware. The 5.3.X (x>0)firmware is different format and compress way. I alreadly got 2 pieces from aliexpress, removedthe PSH and run SSH into it, it is much different in DAV and MTDBLOCKs. LOL
Thats correct. not sure if there is any difference, but will of course be a 5.3.0 firmware.
how about the video standard under video adjustment 50/60Hz? bz the new one removed the selections of that.
It is 5.3.3 firmware with 2335 camera. The firmware can not unpacked by hiktool as well as 2x42 5.3.1 firmware. The 5.3.X (x>0)firmware is different format and compress way. I alreadly got 2 pieces from aliexpress, removedthe PSH and run SSH into it, it is much different in DAV and MTDBLOCKs. LOL
My supplier is telling me that the 2335 is part of Hikvision's new range of H.265 cameras that will replace the current H.264 cameras. (including the 2332).
Has anyone had a problem with the ds-2cd2335-I cameras with the new 5.3.3 firmware not working with the newer Dahua NVR4216-16P? I just recieved 5 of the new cameras. The first few I have open work fine on Dahua NVR I installed last year. I just recieved new Dahua NVR which fails to load the newer camera but work fine on the older NVR.
The Newer DS-2CD2335-I Cameras I seem to only able to get to work on the Dahua NVR4216 buy adding the camera to where an existing IP was programmed for a DS-2CD2332 was. I the remove th 232 fm the network. then put the 2335 in it's place. This seems to work with both the newer NVR and the older one from last year.
I bought 2 of the 2335-I in September 2015 from https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aag/main/r...C5G&isAmazonFulfilled=0&seller=A2QMWKHWG7B6SN through Amazon. As I set up the devices I noticed that whenever there is motion in the area drawn in the "Basic Event" section, the camera reboots and the email never gets sent. I've tried the factory reset but the email sending doesn't work. There is ONE exception: I'm getting emails only at night. I can't explain this...
Another thing I noticed is that the firmware of the cameras is V5.3.3 build 150514. I can't find this camera at the Hikvision websites...
Does anybody run the camera in stand-alone mode? Does anyone have my pain?
That's a Chinese region only camera, with firmware here, section 08 : http://www1.hikvision.com/cn/download_more_714.html
If the camera was provided with English menus - it's likely the seller has installed modified firmware, which might be the cause of the problem you are seeing. We have seen early versions of 'hacked' firmware sometimes be troublesome.
Maybe try opening a dialogue with the seller, explain the problem and ask for updated firmware. You never know ...
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Thank you,alastairstevenson,

I actually contacted the seller before I wrote on this forum. In my case it is a modified firmware. It talks English :)
It is though worrying that if the seller should wash their hands, I have two expensive paper weights :)
Here's another thing. After un-boxing and hooking them up to the network, both of them entered the upgrade mode (IP After a timeout they switched to When I tried to connect to them with the default 12345 password, they would not accept it. Then after more research I found https://www.ipcamtalk.com/hik-pw-reset.php and successfully reset the password :) A few days ago I did a factory reset on the active one and it got back to the same firmware upgrade mode. I don't think that's normal...
When I tried to connect to them with the default 12345 password, they would not accept it.
The newer cameras should require that the 'activation process' is carried out. This can be done directly via the web GUI, or very conveniently when the camera is on a different IP segment with the 3.x version of SADP.
And prior to 'activation' the default password was 123456789abc
At some point the defauly IP address was also changed to

Then after more research I found https://www.ipcamtalk.com/hik-pw-reset.php and successfully reset the password
If that worked, it does suggest an older manufacture camera, or at least older firmware, before the more secure reset method was implemented.
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