Those are some very nice energy upgrades you did. I'm sure it cost plenty, but will be worth it in the long run.
The power company does give you a pretty nice overview with the high/low temps, so you can relate to AC use. Ideally in my case with Time Of Use billing, that daily column should be split in three segments. Would love that.
I'm supposed to have some type of energy usage overview online, as we do have a smart meter for at least a year now, but for some odd reason it keeps not being available on my account. Every time I call in, you can hear any of 3-4 reasons, then somebody in the technical department will look into and get back to me, weeks pass, zip nada.
We can never quite get a good read on baseline nor minimum usage. Our electric meter runs slow with a multiplier factor, so everything is in large blocks on the bill. Where the average meter counts true KWh, ours counts single units and then multiplies them. At any point in time it is a guess, where you are ate between the whole units. So you can be away for a couple weeks, and still have the same electric bill, because 1.50 peak units previous month billed as 1 with carry over .50 plus new .50=1 on your bill again. It has an averaging out side-effect I guess. But it makes it harder because of the fuzz, and you can't just say, okay, we're not using anything today (only standby stuff and minimal) to get a baseline of electronics, appliances and equipment stand-by and operational use in 24hrs or however many days.
I've considered rolling my own energy monitor, but I would need too many units between the different sub panels to get some of the granularity I want. Or I'd have to get a single kit and move it around after a week or month ... I'll just wait for the what the power company tells me. They've got the hourly data, I'm sure.