HikVision - stream path URL?


May 15, 2017

I am a bit of a newbie, please bare with me. I am trying to enable sub stream for my cameras connected to my HikVision DS-7608NI-E2 configuration. The aim being to get a URL (not rtsp) that I can paste into a browser or VLC to view an individual camera connected to the NVR.

Any ideas what the ‘stream path’ should be?

My NVR has a local IP of

I have tried this syntax “ “ but getting the below error message.

Access Error: 404 -- Not Found

Can't open URL

Thank you in advance !!
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Hikvision NVRs offer each camera channel as an RTSP stream for use in a video player such as VLC.
For example Channel 3, main stream : rtsp://
Channel 3, substream : rtsp://
Thanks alastairstevenson, I am actually using the feed with ActionTiles that only allow for HTTP streams / sub-stream, and from what I have read it needs to be an HTTP format and not RTSP.

I am not sure how to enable and setup the substream - it asks for a path which i don't know...

In your example is your NVR IP address? from there the <:554/Streaming/Channels/302> is the instruction to view the particular camera?

In your example is your NVR IP address? from there the <:554/Streaming/Channels/302> is the instruction to view the particular camera?
Yes and yes, it's Channel 3, substream.
from what I have read it needs to be an HTTP format and not RTSP.
But you already mentioned VLC, hence the RTSP example.
For HTTP you'd need a plug-in 'helper' program. That's why 'webcomponents' is needed on Hikvision live viewing.
Yes and yes, it's Channel 3, substream.

Ok thanks.

But you already mentioned VLC, hence the RTSP example.

Sorry that was my mistake, I used this as an example as i was using VLC to test the link before using ActionTiles.

For HTTP you'd need a plug-in 'helper' program. That's why 'webcomponents' is needed on Hikvision live viewing.

I think i still need to enable this on the NVR though, don't I? Otherwise when i point the URL to rtsp (or HTTP) :// it will not no the 'Stream Path'?
How odd! Mine doesn't do that, i wonder if it is to do with opening ports on my security gateway. I didn't think it would be as it was internal, but maybe that is the reason it isn't working.

I'll make sure to keep you posted, thank you for your help so far.
i wonder if it is to do with opening ports on my security gateway.
No - that would only be relevant for inbound access from the internet unless you have implemented LAN-based access rules / filters.
How odd! Mine doesn't do that
Are you saying that (and I know you really need HTTP, so this is off-topic) that when you use VLC and 'open network stream' you can't see any video from the NVR?
I am trying to do the EXACT same thing with my Hikvision DVR. I have really struggled with this and have not been able to get them into actiontiles. Have you solved this yet?
For anyone else struggling to view the RTSP stream from their NVR, have you enable Hik-Connect? If so, stream encryption will be turned on (stupidly there's no way to enable Hik-Connect platform access WITHOUT stream encryption getting turned on too) and thus no 3rd party video player (that I'm aware of) will have any way to decrypt and thus display the video stream.

You can turn off encryption, but only buy using the local interface with a mouse and monitor directly connected to the NVR (Configuration->Network->Access Platform - Untick "Enable Stream Encryption"). If, like me, you had hoped to configure and use your NVR purely via the web interface, then you too are SOL.
I'm not sure I get the same behaviour with my NVR as you do rickwookie. I upgraded my 7608NI-I2 to 4.1.50 and the RTSP stream is fine. I have no idea how to get a snap shot image though. HTTP requests just come up with XML content errors.
Hi there,

I am facing the same issue and can't access the http stream on my NVR DS-7608NI-E2/8P/A to which I have several DS-2CD2042WD-I cams connected.
Does the firmware update solve the http issue ? Currently my device is running with v3.4.98 Build 171121
@Rebem: Not Sure I've understood what you achieved with the firmware update regarding the http issue.
May be it is worth mentioning that while configuring the cams on my system, I am not able to select MPEG as encoding. Only H.264 appears as encoding option.

Thanks in advance for all kind of hints !
@elexio7 : The 4.1.50 firmware upgrade seems to have broken my ability to get snapshots through http. However I've had some success getting them directly from the cameras by using the Virtual Host settings per this post : [Solved] Hikvision 4.1.50 firmware troubles

I also set the encoding to MPEG for the sub stream on my camera by modifying it directly - not via the NVR. The NVR just has a greyed out H.264 box.
@Rebem: how do you access directly the camera to set MPEG instead of H.264 ?
do you connect it directly to your computer through a PoE switch using some utility software ?
Thanks again
Once I followed the instructions Mac states in that post, I went to Camera Management and clicked on the link for the camera I wanted to change. It takes you to the management console for the camera. Log in, go to the sub-stream and change the encoding from there.

I have all of my cameras connected directly to the PoE ports on the NVR. :)
Hi!! everyone

I need to see all my cameras (8) on VLC with a URL i have this one:
but with this one i just can see one camera and I want to see everycamera in my network.

Something like this:
This might be trivial, but sharing anyways:
When trying to connect to my HIKVision (DS-2CD2085FWD-I,V5.5.51 build 180314) streams using a bare-bones RTSP connection always failed when the last path "/" was missing.
For example these urls failed with an RTSP 400 error:


But these work:


With no path at all, I got the camera main stream:

I got my stream open without a problem but I can' seem to get it into my Dahua NVR. Is there some way to get the Hikvision camera to work in ONVIF mode or something?
Hi to every one
I have this camera hikvision model DS-2CD2T43G0-I8
I just connected single camera to my laptop accessing with a web browser like internet explorer and mozilla it work fine.

I tried to use the url rtsp url with VLC it also work fine.

My intention is to use this camera with MATLAB. But evry time i tries i get the error message incorrect url.

I need to get a stream and do image processing.

Is there any one who can help with this. Any help will be appreciated.