So this increase, according to our Agent, is a Nationwide increase from most if not all the Major Insurance companies. Agent even said they are not even writing new Home Owner polices or renewing polices unless you bundle your vehicles with them. Only good news I was told is prices should come back down next year, but we have all heard that before.
So our Home Owners Ins. for our house in Harris County, Houston area, went up 59% from last year. Zero changes in policy...

Agent told me Harris County, Fort Bend & Montgomery counties All saw this increase...from what our Agent was told is most all the major cities or high population counties across the nation this happened to...
Our new home we moved to last year went down 15% And our Car Ins. went down 10%...
Still in the negative though because of the Harris County house...I assume if we had our Car Ins. in that county it would of increased too...