How are you dealing with motion at night with just IR?


Getting the hang of it
May 13, 2015
What do you set in the trigger to improve triggers at night?

I have a camera that's mounted 12ft high pointing down that I can't get to trigger from 5 feet away when it's dark with only the IR running. Not sure where to adjust this. night.jpg
Still not are using zone crossing rules and dont post the zones. Likely not setup properly. See the zone crossing video and help file.
yes I'm using zone crossing, A-B and G is full. When the lights is on and I walk around it does trigger, when it's dark as shown then it doesn't pick up my motion.

zone a.jpg zone b.jpg zone g.jpg
Zone A is so small and you have so much in the way (plant) there is not way BI will pick up 100 pixel movement.
thanks.. this is good to know, I just started to play with zones recently so still learning. I'll reduce it to 30% or something
btw: would it be better to not use zone crossing and just have one zone as pictured below? not too concern of trees and clouds at this time of day so this picture below will trigger any motion in the green? night time.jpg
Thanks, I'll try messing with the contrast... profile is exactly what I'm working on now, I'm fine tuning each camera for each profile for day/night scenes
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At night time, I recommend turning on "Black & White", turn off "Cancel Shadows", and choose Gaussian algorithm with "High Definition" checked.
also, try reduce the minimum object size, contrast and especially duration.
.7 sec is kinda long... i run my cams at .2 or .3 secs...
also, try reduce the minimum object size, contrast and especially duration.
.7 sec is kinda long... i run my cams at .2 or .3 secs...

I use longer make times to filter out a lot of false alarms. If someone is actually on the property, they're going to be there a lot longer than the second that a passing bird might stay in frame.
Reducing the min contrast definitely improved things. I also lowered the min object size to metagate the small zone and tree being in the way.

I'll try out the Black and whit esetting as foulfoot suggested which seems logical.

Agreed that the make time is fine. I too found that when I had it low, causes some false trigger.
At night time, I recommend turning on "Black & White", turn off "Cancel Shadows", and choose Gaussian algorithm with "High Definition" checked.
I believe the Guassian/Simple setting can not be set per profile. So if you set it, it will be for all profiles !
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