How to get Blue Iris to automatically start when restarting PC w/Windows 8.1

The sevenforums trick does work! Be careful at every step. My problem was one single typo. That's all it takes to make it fail.

So just be careful. BUT WHY WON'T BLUE IRIS FIX THIS PROBLEM? Such a complicated solution shouldn't be necessary.
BECAUSE IS NOT A BLUE IRIS PROBLEM. THERE IS NOTHING TO FIX. It is how windows operates. Blue iris does let you run as a service but it wont bring up the console automatically.
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The sevenforums trick does work! Be careful at every step. My problem was one single typo. That's all it takes to make it fail.

So just be careful. BUT WHY WON'T BLUE IRIS FIX THIS PROBLEM? Such a complicated solution shouldn't be necessary.
Unless you require the console to be open to view the cameras constantly, the best solution is to run BI as a service :D
Im copying/pasting this in a couple different places as this was the only thing that worked for me in windows 10.

The only thing that worked was creating a batch file and dropping it in the startup folder in win10. You'll also want to disable UAC. You can google how to do that.

assuming you installed to default file locaiton, open notepad, copy/paste this:

@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 4"
start BlueIrisAdmin.exe

save as abc123.bat You can name it whatever you want, you just need the .bat at the end. In windows 10, press the windows key and R...this will bring up the run window. Type shell:startup and press copy/paste that .bat file you just created in this folder. This will start BI at startup.

I gotta say...this is one of the most difficult programs I ever tried to auto start. The .bat file is much easier than running through task scheduler (even though task scheduler didnt work for me.)
Love this forum as this is exactly what I was looking for. I do want to also have blueiris running all of the time (I'm thinking what if my power flickers) but I would ALSO, as ponyboy mentioned, have the cameras display to auto start on my security system screen. I'll continue digging but wanted to mention that the answer isn't here (yet).
Love this forum as this is exactly what I was looking for. I do want to also have blueiris running all of the time (I'm thinking what if my power flickers) but I would ALSO, as ponyboy mentioned, have the cameras display to auto start on my security system screen. I'll continue digging but wanted to mention that the answer isn't here (yet).
The answer is here. It works perfectly, follow the links!!!!
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ah ok. I thought from IamTeaLeaf's reply that it was outlined how to get it to start as a service but didn't cover the camera display auto starting. I'll give it a detailed shot later today after I get all these darn work meetings out of the way
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ah ok. I thought from IamTeaLeaf's reply that it was outlined how to get it to start as a service but didn't cover the camera display auto starting. I'll give it a detailed shot later today after I get all these darn work meetings out of the way

It is sometimes not so obvious but you also have to go to another page linked in step 23. This is the one that worked for me:
Task - Create to Run a Program at Startup and Log On - Windows 7 Help Forums

And you can also add on your bios reboot after power is out/shuts down computer. It worked great when there was a storm a few weeks ago and my UPS died. I was able to view video 30 minutes later after it all rebooted by itself when power came back on.
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Im copying/pasting this in a couple different places as this was the only thing that worked for me in windows 10.

The only thing that worked was creating a batch file and dropping it in the startup folder in win10. You'll also want to disable UAC. You can google how to do that.

assuming you installed to default file locaiton, open notepad, copy/paste this:

@echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 4"
start BlueIrisAdmin.exe

save as abc123.bat You can name it whatever you want, you just need the .bat at the end. In windows 10, press the windows key and R...this will bring up the run window. Type shell:startup and press copy/paste that .bat file you just created in this folder. This will start BI at startup.

I gotta say...this is one of the most difficult programs I ever tried to auto start. The .bat file is much easier than running through task scheduler (even though task scheduler didnt work for me.)
This was so simple and exactly what I wanted. Thanks ponyboy.
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This was so simple and exactly what I wanted. Thanks ponyboy.
This is backwards and requires disabling uac. Ensure you are the only user of the pc and be careful about what you install. The original solution task scheduling works perfectly.
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This is backwards and requires disabling uac. Ensure you are the only user of the pc and be careful about what you install. The original solution task scheduling works perfectly.

I initially Went down the path you suggested above but couldn’t get it to work properly Fenderman. I know you say it’s easy and it’s about attention to detail (I’ve checked and checked the task properties) but for me it wouldn’t auto start. I could “run“ it from within Task Scheduler but it wouldn’t launch on a restart. It would also launch off the shortcut.

Today I had another go and checked the history for error messages. There is an error message effectively stating that the task could not launch because the user wasn’t logged in.

Is this a problem between user accounts? I have two but both have admin rights.
I also tried allowing Task Manager to launch whether user is logged in or not, but no success.

This is a dedicated BI machine and I am the only person who can access it so I can run without UAC but I’m more interested in why I cant go the way you suggest. Always keen to learn. Thanks
I initially Went down the path you suggested above but couldn’t get it to work properly Fenderman. I know you say it’s easy and it’s about attention to detail (I’ve checked and checked the task properties) but for me it wouldn’t auto start. I could “run“ it from within Task Scheduler but it wouldn’t launch on a restart. It would also launch off the shortcut.

Today I had another go and checked the history for error messages. There is an error message effectively stating that the task could not launch because the user wasn’t logged in.

Is this a problem between user accounts? I have two but both have admin rights.
I also tried allowing Task Manager to launch whether user is logged in or not, but no success.

This is a dedicated BI machine and I am the only person who can access it so I can run without UAC but I’m more interested in why I cant go the way you suggest. Always keen to learn. Thanks
try selecting "run whether user is logged in or not" in the task
Intrigued as to why can’t you run BI as a service? This is what I do and to date BI has always started even after a power cut.
My system runs at a remote site which is an eight hour round trip to service. I use OpenVPN to login when I am away and like to see the ui up. the cameras instantly and have the software fully running.
try selecting "run whether user is logged in or not" in the task
I had tried this before fenderman and Task Manager showed that Blue Iris task had run and that BI was up. But it wasntt. Also after I do that the BI shortcut on my desktop wont open BI. It shows a quick glimpse of the BI good morning start up screen and then nothing thereafter.

If I go into Task Manager history it says the task has been completed (see image 100213).

My settings for task scheduler are in images 100214 to 011219 below.

And here is a copy of the full path under actions:
/c start "Run Blue Iris" "C:\Program Files\Blue Iris 5\BlueIrisAdmin.exe

I have checked that BI is not running in the background.


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I initially Went down the path you suggested above but couldn’t get it to work properly Fenderman. I know you say it’s easy and it’s about attention to detail (I’ve checked and checked the task properties) but for me it wouldn’t auto start. I could “run“ it from within Task Scheduler but it wouldn’t launch on a restart. It would also launch off the shortcut.

Today I had another go and checked the history for error messages. There is an error message effectively stating that the task could not launch because the user wasn’t logged in.

Is this a problem between user accounts? I have two but both have admin rights.
I also tried allowing Task Manager to launch whether user is logged in or not, but no success.

This is a dedicated BI machine and I am the only person who can access it so I can run without UAC but I’m more interested in why I cant go the way you suggest. Always keen to learn. Thanks

These steps did not work? I have no issues with BI starting up automatically:
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These steps did not work? I have no issues with BI starting up automatically:
Thanks TL1096r. I was doing what your link said but the commentary below that tutorial prompted me to change the task schedule to run “after login” in lieu of “at startup“. That worked for me.