How To Upgrade Amcrest / Lorex to Dahua Firmware And Get All Dahua Features

So, I see several people have asked in this thread, but and the consensus seems to be "no", but I figured I'd ask again...

Is there any way to roll back to the Amcrest software? For warranty purposes, or preference? Or is doing the upgrade a one-way street?
if you can find the original firmware somewhere, then yes, you should be able to roll back. May need to use TFTP method (vs GUI 'upgrade').
See if they have FW for your cam here: Firmware Upgrade | Amcrest Technologies (need to give them an email address to access)

eg, here's the FW fresh from that site for the IP5M-T1179E:


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Ok so I flashed a number of the IP5M-T1179E to Dahua firmware late last year and early this year with no problem. I just got a couple more and they won't even take the flash, it goes like 2 bars and then just stops, no message no anything. I have tried DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2.800.0000000.19.R.200628 and DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2.800.0000000.16.R.200418. What am I leaving out?
I don't remember changing the address from the default but I changed it from to a 10.89 address and it took the update right away.
Thank you for your help.
So I did another one, was different firmware, more of what I remembered before flashing them. This one worked on the default address. Interesting.
So, I see several people have asked in this thread, but and the consensus seems to be "no", but I figured I'd ask again...

Is there any way to roll back to the Amcrest software? For warranty purposes, or preference? Or is doing the upgrade a one-way street?

I did for my IP4M-1046EW-AI. I contacted Amcrest support, and the representative sent me a link to download the firmware.
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Hoping somebody can help me out with my attempts to flash my Amcrest IP5M-T1179EW to Dahua IPC-HDW2531TP-AS firmware. I am hoping to enable some of the IVS functions but haven't had any luck with changing the firmware.
I tried the "DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2.800.0000000.19.R.200628" firmware everyone seems to have success with, as well as a number of other firmware bins listed for this camera. None of them worked using the GUI console or the ConfigTool, except for the "Amcrest_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_Eng_N_AMCREST_V2.800.00AC001.0.R.201230" firmware.

I checked the system info and get the following:

The updateSerialCloudUpgrade is the same as HWID @pozzello posted back on post #84, so I figured it was the same hardware. However after having no luck I turned to the TFTP method and tried to run "printenv" by using the following commands.txt instructions:
sleep 5

The console window output is below but it indicates that the "cmd: (printenv) is not support! ". o_O

Ncat: Version 7.40 ( Ncat - Netcat for the 21st Century )
Ncat: Listening on
(0xEF) (0xAA) (0x21)
SPINAND: board_nand_init:error, CIS contains part info
128 MiB
partition file version 2
rootfstype squashfs root /dev/mtdblock12
partition file version 2
rootfstype squashfs root /dev/mtdblock12
gParameter[0]:node=bootargs, parameter=mem=260096K console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock12 rootfstype=squashfs LX_MEM=0xFE00000 mma_heap=mma_heap_name0,miu=0,sz=0x84B4000.
gParameter[1]:node=upgradeMode, parameter=switchBootPart=1.
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Net: fail to load bootargsParameters.txt
fail to load bootargsParameters.txt file
MAC Address 9C:8E:CD:::**
Link Status Speed:100 Full-duplex:1
MMC: DGS info:start addr=0x2fd7c000
partition file version 2
rootfstype squashfs root /dev/mtdblock12
dgs offset:0x500000 size:0x100000
[DGS]:readPtrC:0 writePtr:0 covered:0
[DGS]:dgs_BootCreate end
Invalid addr 0x23000000, the fixed default addr is 0x22000000
Using sstar_emac device
TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through gateway Filename 'upgrade_info_7db780a713a4.txt'.Download to address: 0x22000000
Downloading: *
Bytes transferred = 126 (7e hex)
disable wdt
string value is 0
The end of file
cmd:(printenv) is not support!
Invalid addr 0x82000000, the fixed default addr is 0x22000000
Using sstar_emac device
TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through gateway Filename '.FLASHING_DONE_STOP_TFTP_NOW'.Download to address: 0x22000000
Downloading: #
cmd:(sleep 5) is not support!
partition file version 2
rootfstype squashfs root /dev/mtdblock12
fail to load bootargsParameters.txt
fail to load bootargsParameters.txt file
cmdLine mem=260096K root=/dev/mtdblock12 rootfstype=squashfs LX_MEM=0xFE00000 mma_heap=mma_heap_name0,miu=0,sz=0x84B4000

Does anyone any any ideas as to what the heck is going on? I'm stumped and don't understand if I am doing something wrong or the camera is just locked out somehow. I did a port scan on the camera and only have ports 80, 554, 1935, & 37777 opened, so I can't telnet or SSH into it. With the Amcrest firmware it is working fine, just without the IVS functions.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

EDITED: To reduce size using Spoiler.

UPDATE: Problem solved, well at least I was able to flash my camera and update the firmware. Posting this to help anyone else with the same problem.

I realized that I was having problems extracting my .bin files since I was not changing the files to .zip after editing the first two bytes. I was then able to open the Install and HWID files. Confirmed the hardware ID was correct based on my system info data above. Then used the install file to make the following commands.txt.
tftp 0x82000000 partition-x.cramfs.img; flwrite
tftp 0x82000000 kernel.img; flwrite
tftp 0x82000000 romfs-x.squashfs.img; flwrite
tftp 0x82000000 web-x.squashfs.img; flwrite
sleep 5

After flashing using the TFTP method, I was able to get into the camera but none of the menus would open or display. I then went to the ConfigTool and the able to reflash using the original .bin file. Now the camera is fully operational and updated to Dahua firmware. I used the newest firmware General_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2.800.0000000.24.R.201014 found on the Dahua site for the IPC-HDW2531TP-AS camera. Hopefully this can help someone else.

Thank you all for all the great information in this thread and on this site!
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Just a warning that it seems if you flash the IP8M-2696EW-AI to the Dahua, you lose the AI Face detection (still have trip wire and intrusion). There are some very very minor features gain
Thanks for the link, pozello.

I do have a .bin of my original Amcrest FW, but Dahua FW says NOPE when trying to load through webGUI. I'll see if I can find the post where the process of returning to original was discussed. Meanwhile, I'll spend some quality time with the DaHua FW. I have a T5442 from Andy so I need to learn to deal with .dav files anyway.

Happy Friday and Happy Lunar New Year to all!
Thanks for the link, pozello.

I do have a .bin of my original Amcrest FW, but Dahua FW says NOPE when trying to load through webGUI. I'll see if I can find the post where the process of returning to original was discussed. Meanwhile, I'll spend some quality time with the DaHua FW. I have a T5442 from Andy so I need to learn to deal with .dav files anyway.

Happy Friday and Happy Lunar New Year to all!
Hi glenwood
Were you able to flash the IP8M-T2599 back to the original Amcrest firmware? Would you mind sharing the original .bin file? After flashing the Dahua firmware (DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2.800.0000000.19.R.200628) I am unable to view the camera on high resolutions or 4k. Can’t get any higher than 2688 × 1520. Thank you.
Was anybody successful in flashing back to original Amcrest firmware?
my IP5M-T1179E running Dahua firmware is not very happy with the Amcrest NVR. It freezes ever 15-20 seconds for a good minute or two.

I tried the webgui but that didn't work, and no success with tftp (I might be doing something wrong though)
Hoping somebody can help me out with my attempts to flash my Amcrest IP5M-T1179EW to Dahua IPC-HDW2531TP-AS firmware. I am hoping to enable some of the IVS functions but haven't had any luck with changing the firmware.
I tried the "DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2.800.0000000.19.R.200628" firmware everyone seems to have success with, as well as a number of other firmware bins listed for this camera. None of them worked using the GUI console or the ConfigTool, except for the "Amcrest_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_Eng_N_AMCREST_V2.800.00AC001.0.R.201230" firmware.

You need to downgrade to the previous Amcrest firmware and You should be able to do it from the webgui


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Hi glenwood
Were you able to flash the IP8M-T2599 back to the original Amcrest firmware? Would you mind sharing the original .bin file? After flashing the Dahua firmware (DH_IPC-HX25(8)XX-Molec_MultiLang_NP_V2.800.0000000.19.R.200628) I am unable to view the camera on high resolutions or 4k. Can’t get any higher than 2688 × 1520. Thank you.

I haven't tried to return Amcrest firmware yet. I'm running the same Dahua version as you (V2.800.0000000.19.R, Build Date: 2020-06-28) and having no issues on high resolution through Blue Iris or the Web GUI.

The camera arrived with firmware V2.800.00AC000.0.R,Build date: 2020-03-16, but I've completely misplaced the copy of the original .bin file! On top of that I don't recall where I got it. Thought it was from the Amcrest site but a quick check failed to locate.

Sorry, I'm just a whole bunch of unhelpful today! :(
Up until recently, you could purchase an Amcrest or Lorex camera and find the equivalent Dahua model and flash the firmware and get ALL of the features of the Dahua cam, but that is getting harder to do. I think these companies found out about that (because everyone posts it to Reddit LOL), so they have started to code the cameras with the inability to do that. But sometimes you can get lucky and do so.

Now Amcrest and Lorex are starting to spec out cameras and has Dahua build them, so there may not an equivalent Dahua model firmware to use...
upgarding to the newere amcrest FW may have updated your bootloader, which may prevent (or at least make it harder) taking non-Amcrest fw going forward. So you may be SOL..

my most reliable way to get DH firmware on these is to put the oldest possible Dahua fw that supports the hardware first (via tftp, if the gui won't take it) , then use the gui to get to the desired newer DH fw...
So I would like to upgrade my Lorex

From what I can tell it is a Dahua IPC-HFW3841e-as. What firmware would I use? DH_IPC-HX3(2)XXX_Eng_N_V2.420.0000.2.R.20161208.bin
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actually, the HWID you want to match is IPC-HFW3841EP-SA .

Look for DH_IPC-HX3XXX-Dalton_MultiLang_NP_Stream3_V2.800.0000000.7.R.201118, which has that exact HWID in it's check file...
I previosuly posted it here: Smartening up the Lorex LNB8005C 8MP mini bullet.

there's also a newer 14.R available now with that HWID, but i'd start with an older one and upgrade from there once on the DH FW...

let us know how it goes!
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actually, the HWID you want to match is IPC-HFW3841EP-SA .

Look for DH_IPC-HX3XXX-Dalton_MultiLang_NP_Stream3_V2.800.0000000.7.R.201118, which has that exact HWID in it's check file...
I previosuly posted it here: Smartening up the Lorex LNB8005C 8MP mini bullet.

there's also a newer 14.R available now with that HWID, but i'd start with an older one and upgrade from there once on the DH FW...

let us know how it goes!
I has failed with the file that you have recommended. I have tried the upgrade via the web.
I choose the other file because the exact dahua camera is the AS and not the SA.