I got mine to start working again consistently and with little to no lag. It was my mistake. Somewhere along the way I had messed up the formatting in the "Text" box. Once I reset it back to '&CAM' (&TYPE) triggered on '&SERVER' at %X I started getting alerts with images again.I have installed and still nothing. I can't get the log file even though it is enabled in status. In status screen under messages there is no mention of send alerts.
I did email support and here are some of Ken's suggestions in case it might help anyone else.
"Try disabling the alert image attachment ... is it more consistently received? This adds a layer of complexity where the app must connect back with the WAN address to retrieve the image, and that may not work on your LAN.
If it's working in Test but not actual alert, I would also suspect security software exemptions, please be sure that has been completed (see help).
Finally, check status/messages for possible logged error conditions."
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