Thanks for the suggestion. I should be able to add that pretty easily. I'll make it stop streaming video (and audio, too, I guess) when the browser is no longer visible. The browser only reports its own visibility as "hidden" when the window is minimized or a different tab in the same window is active. If you have the browser window still open but hidden behind another window, then the UI will have no way of knowing this and it will keep on streaming. Another thing: Status updates and whatnot will continue happening in the background. If I disabled those too, the session would expire after about 1 minute and that is no good. Status updates don't use a lot of bandwidth but it is not something you'd want to leave on 24/7 on a metered data plan.
You might also consider hunting down the idle timeout option in UI2's settings, so you can have it automatically leave the page if UI2 receives no input for a number of minutes.
You might also consider hunting down the idle timeout option in UI2's settings, so you can have it automatically leave the page if UI2 receives no input for a number of minutes.