Interesting request from a customer.

Well I went back to her house today and installed a dome camera in her closet. she can open the door of the closet when she isnt around and the camera points to her dresser. I met her step son today and I guaranfuckingtee he is the panty bandit. If she tels me she caught him ill ask for a copy and post it here!
This week we installed a ip camera system at a home and after we finished the job the lady of the house decided she wanted to add a few more cameras. she wanted one added in her garage so she could see her Tesla and One in her bedroom so she could see who has been stealing her underwear. There is only three people living in the house, her, the husband and her 15 year old step son. for some strange reason I have a good idea who it is. So on Monday she will get her camera in the bedroom. I am pretty sure this woman is fucking clueless!
Dynamite not cameras.
What to do when your Tesla requires a $20000 repair...