IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 LPR from 137 feet

IR isnt being recognized. Im betting on a stuck IR filter at this point.... try switching it back and forth from color to B&W with the Day/Nightr setting a bunch of times, if that doesnt get it try a slap or two..
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I have added a 15 degree IR led lamp to help. It is still not enough, but it helps.
I'll check those out. I played with the image brightness/contrast a bit and I guess I can make out most if not all of the plates in those last two pics. Trial and error I guess, I can't expect it to be perfect the first day.
Do you see all the IR LEDs that are on?
So they work. Some setting is not right then. Couldn't you use somebody else's settings, from this forum and see, if yours will look like that?
Id park my car at the capture point and make it easier to see your changes
I received my IPC-HFW5231E-Z12 yesterday and have it up and running but I'd like help fine-tuning the details. This would be the permanent location for the mount. According to IPVM, it's about 100 feet to where I'm recording.

I've attached my Day settings, along with a few snaps. First, I'd like to get the daytime settings refined, and then worry about nighttime. Seems like that's a good place to start, right?

What can I do to improve? Thanks.


Daytime you can drop back to 1/1000
Turn DNR down to 30-40
Up the Contrast a bunch
Then play with the iris setting and find the sweet spot for that. Try 40
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What the iris does? Sorry for the noob question.
It determines how much light is let in

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Thanks for that. Now I know. :)
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Ok, some updated shots with the settings recommend by bigredfish. It seems like some grabs are great, while a few others are not so great. But really I think things are looking good for day #1 of trying this out.

Getting there, try more zoom, cut that fov by 1/2

what bitrate and FPS are you running? Try 8192 CBR and 30 fps. Iframe same as FPS
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Thanks bigredfish. I zoomed in a bit, and changed my bitrate and FPS to your suggestions. I'll report back with some snaps when I get new ones.
Forgot to ask, you’re not running WDR are you? It makes for pretty pictures but doesn’t help with fast moving plates.