Could you say specifically which part of IVS wasn't working for you?I wonder if this version fixes IVS.
This issue is for 620 build or 717?The 200717 firmware is on the dahua wiki website available for download. As far as the IVS i actually didn't have any problems myself (I don't use IVS yet i need to learn how to) I just read in this firmware thread where the cameras would reboot and have issues after an IVS event was triggered.
This issue is for 620 build or 717?
Keep working on it. When we get good news will post here .Yeah I forgot to add that. I don't "condone" any firmware at all just noticed they released the 717 and I was experimenting with it.Thanks for the info on the 717 btw i'll be sure to update my cams with your new release since mine are 5442tm-ase models. I was a little leery of the dahua wiki site anyway not knowing if those NA model numbers really did correspond correctly to our international units.
I didn't like that it added a black box background to the time and channel name overlays anyway. Hopefully 731 turns out good!
How is the IVS working?On the IPC-T5442T-ZE , this firmware the SMD is not working correctly. If I set it for human only or automobile only, it takes a snap shot every second all day long and writes to the SD Card.
Video will record at will, either with an actual object in the frame of view or not. Its erratic to when it records.
The sort feature for the most part, but not all only correct sorts some of the clips and not all.
Again, this is writing these file's to the internal SD card.
Yesterday when I looked, I had 5986 stills recorded one each second.
I set the sensitivity to low, and today as this point I still have recorded 1362 snaps, one each second.
View attachment 67084
View attachment 67083
Yesterday sorted by SMD human filter. Majority are false positives.
View attachment 67085
Video Captures to SD card. SMD set for human, picks up both vehicles humans, and just random captures.
View attachment 67086
Smart IR is better, but like @Wildcat_1 mentions, it has a ways to go yet.