IPCAM Cloud recording :sick:
Marketing departments love pushing the cloud.
But, with the average starved US internet bandwidth capacity? :nuts:
A 2MP camera compressed h264 feed with average settings requires a net 500KB/s ethernet and recording capacity to the hard drive. (Higher quality settings, FPS etc make it jump to 1MB/s)
Times 2-3-4-5-etc cameras which may record simultaneously due to group triggering/motion/weather/... or sequentially but overlapping due to settings like pre- and after- record.
So now we're talking net 1-2-3MB/sec recording.
All while the average basic US broadband connection allows one to send about 100KB/s net upstream, give or take 25KB/s + or -, 75-125KB/s.
So, you're already well out of range for a single camera stream to be recorded to the cloud (500 <> 100).
And, if you're doing something else online, you don't even have the full capacity of the line.
Even if a single camera were 75-100KB/s and one records at a time, every time there's motion, your internet connection goes bye bye.
Next idea, please