Jammer prevention - please help!


Dec 19, 2023
I believe someone may be using a jamming device that temporarily stops my POE IP cameras recording. The time shown on the recording continues but I think the image temporarily pauses, this allows them to vandalise my property. The cameras are connected to the NVR using the supplied ethernet cables that have the following description:

“26 AWG network cable, packed with 0.5 CCA wire core, 4 pairs of high-density twisted cables eliminate interference and enable stable data transmission.”

I have also seen flashes of light possibly from a torch, when this happens the recording goes dark for a fraction of a second, but would this only affect recording for a second or two?

I have multiple cameras, if a jamming device is being used how can I prevent the interference, as more and more damage is being done to my property?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
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First I don't know of any Jamming hardware that can cause your NVR or POE cameras connected to your NVR to stop recording.. However there are some issues with your setup and if you are truly asking for help then you would want to address these issues.

First issue and major one. CCA cables, they introduce higher resistance, weaker signal integrity, and susceptibility to interference, making them a possible factor in the cameras dropping out. If replacing them isn't an immediate option, shortening runs, using a PoE+ switch, and adding shielding can help mitigate problems. Even using a Ferriet Core clip on both ends could help suppress high frequency EMI.

However for best results it would be wise to replace your POE cameras cables with PURE Copper cables from a known good seller that isn't in the game of scamming people..
“26 AWG network cable, packed with 0.5 CCA wire core, 4 pairs of high-density twisted cables eliminate interference and enable stable data transmission.”
Those are pretty lame cables both in terms of wire size and composition. On the lighting, when there's a big change in the light level, the image can be useless until the camera adjusts to the new lighting intensity.
I believe someone may be using a jamming device that temporarily stops my POE IP cameras recording. The time shown on the recording continues but I think the image temporarily pauses, this allows them to vandalise my property. The cameras are connected to the NVR using the supplied ethernet cables that have the following description:

“26 AWG network cable, packed with 0.5 CCA wire core, 4 pairs of high-density twisted cables eliminate interference and enable stable data transmission.”

I have also seen flashes of light possibly from a torch, when this happens the recording goes dark for a fraction of a second, but would this only affect recording for a second or two?

I have multiple cameras, if a jamming device is being used how can I prevent the interference, as more and more damage is being done to my property?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Hi @Venturi

1) “26 AWG network cable, packed with 0.5 CCA wire core, 4 pairs of high-density twisted cables eliminate interference and enable stable data transmission.”

I do not recommend thinner nor CCA wired Network cable for CAT5e/6 cables, especially not for POE.

2) I believe someone may be using a jamming device that temporarily stops my POE IP cameras recording

This is more typical an issue for WiFi cameras, do you have WiFi in this setup ?
Is it a 100% wired ?

If wired, test with a GOOD quality cat5e/6 23-24 AWG wired cable .. and keep the cable run away from electrical lines / electrical motors.

Due to the low quality cable you have installed, I suspect there is a chance of power loss that is impacting your setup, or perhaps the cable run is too close to electrical motors / lines which is causing issues ?


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Thanks for the replies, after further thought I think the person is either using a LED or laser light source that temporarily disables recording for a few seconds. There is a flash of light across the view for a fraction of a second, the recording appears to stop being live for a few seconds even though the clock continues. All cameras are connected using cables, no wireless is used in the camera system. It seems hidden cameras are required to catch a criminal. I believe the person harassing me has Anti-Social Personality Disorder.
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Post a video of what is happening.

It is also a good idea to have cams covering each other. That way if someone fucks with one cam, they can be seen doing it on the other cam.
disables recording for a few seconds. There is a flash of light across the view for a fraction of a second, the recording appears to stop being live for a few seconds even though the clock continues.

It is also a good idea to have cams covering each other. That way if someone fucks with one cam, they can be seen doing it on the other cam.

I also like the idea of adding a camera or two.
I have cameras cover each other from a physical threat, think baseball bat to the side of the camera.
However in this case I would not prioritize having them cover each other. Instead cover the same area from angles far enough apart it would take longer to blind both
Depending on how long "a few seconds" is first camera may recover by the time the last camera is lasered.

If not enough recovery time then two more thoughts.
1) Since laser light is polarized put a lens from a pair of sunglasses(or something else that polarizes) in front of each camera lens
with two cameras you can rotate the sunglass lens different for each camera.
2) Mount second camera close to ground, put something in front of camera so camera only views below the hight you think laser is at.
This may give you chance to confirm your laser theory, and view some of person actions.

And use solid copper wire for cameras.
A trail cam or two might be in order.

They can be discreetly placed, resistant to a lot of these efforts, and easily moved if you think they've been spotted. And secured by a light cable, preventing easy theft.

Low cost solution. Or use an old cellphone as a camera.
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Thanks for the replies, after further thought I think the person is either using a LED or laser light source that temporarily disables recording for a few seconds. There is a flash of light across the view for a fraction of a second, the recording appears to stop being live for a few seconds even though the clock continues. All cameras are connected using cables, no wireless is used in the camera system. It seems hidden cameras are required to catch a criminal. I believe the person harassing me has Anti-Social Personality Disorder.

" .. after further thought I think the person is either using a LED or laser light source that temporarily disables recording for a few seconds. .. "

Multiple cameras are the counter to this ..
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