Latest Install dahua mini ptz 12x

I think a sticky might be in order explaining just how to go about doing that. That extends the record time but insures that you don't miss any action.



Here's the basics of how to do that. Basically in schedule, enable regular and constant. Than in encoding, under main stream, chose your 5fps, than drop arrow down to motion and chose 15fps. That's it, your done. Oh yea, and in detect, make sure enable is checked.
I know it would be a pain, but if you ever get the time I'd like to see a video of it doing the fps jump on playback. I think it's a great idea and it's the best way to handle it.
I'll upload one tonight for ya shock, but honestly, I don't see much a difference when I playback remotely.
5fps and a jump to 15 should be noticeable enough. It's a great feature and I'm just curious how well actual footage plays back the setting. Maybe I'll do it on mine to see, the only difference being analog.
I'm uploading a video clip now. I just realized, if you think about it, the constant recording is recording pretty much a still picture (no motion), so your really not going to see any motion at 5fps!
Right. I guess what I thought would be viewable is the fps ramp up at the moment of motion detection. But maybe it's not doable. Don't go nuts just on my account. I can certainly try this myself without you going nuts. Lolo.
Video is private, can't view. You can make it unlisted. Also I got a glimpse of what it does on my system tonight too. It works very well, although I really believe dahua dvr's handle detection way better than their nvr's do. That's why I rely solely on motion in the dvr. But to see it in action is tricky because you have to see something moving as a reference at 5fps but not setting off detection for a little bit, until it hits a zone to flip it. But it's very effective.
Oh yeah, I see it working. That will definitely save space. I see some jumps though, namely when the guy is gathering wood at the barrow and then goes into the house. That would be something to keep an eye on to confirm no frame drops are occurring in relation to this recording scheme. I'll also post some footage of how it works on this end tomorrow. Of course with exterior cameras, rain can throw a wrench into the best of intentions with this stuff. But in the long run, constant low fps and high fps on motion is a good way to go. So with this shot specifically of the back of that house, is that a shot that you'd typically rely entirely on motion detection? That's a classic example of just enough depth of field for dahua MP cameras to show that detection weakness they can have, whereas with analog that scene would register perfect detection without the need for constant recording. I think it really comes down to something about the cameras detection and the nvr's detection not shaking hands quite well enough. Or, some kind of software glitch they haven't nailed down yet.
I know what you mean by some skipping here and there. I've learned to live with that with Dahua. As long as he's not on one end of the screen and than the other end I'm ok with that. I also know what your saying about being a tight shot and motion would be more reliable, but I'd rather not take the chance by installing a more than enough hard drive and use the constant/motion setting enabled. Along with my new ptz, I also received a 7216 NVR which is supposed to have a totally new firmware and motion support. I'm going to be testing it out shortly.
Sometimes I think we're the only two here firing off posts! LOL! Oh man, a new nvr too you got? Def a good day! Yeah, a review of that new firmware would be great.
Yes, it was a good day. The dhl guy broke his back delivering my packages, lol. I have a friend in Texas that installs dahua so we order together when we place orders. I received two more mini ptz's with 12x zoom, but I have a job already lined up for those. I really would like to get some of the fixed outdoor domes with IR's that are 1.3mp. They're a new model so they're not available yet.
I know that Dahua (SD42212SN-HN supposedly) does not have IR LEDs, but can it see IR at night?

According to specs on nellys and wrightwood it seems it should be able to see IR at night.
Does the camera detect motion when you PTZ to a preset or does it turn off motion detection when the PTZ is active?
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I know that Dahua (SD42212SN-HN supposedly) does not have IR LEDs, but can it see IR at night?

I believe it could see ir from a separate fixture.
Does the camera detect motion when you PTZ to a preset or does it turn off motion detection when the PTZ is active?
I would think there is no way around it setting off motion detection. There is a setting I see in my dahua ptz called preset freeze, which is a kind of image delay setting so when you switch from one preset to another, it will hold the frame of the first preset until the the next preset kicks in, and then the picture jumps to that preset. It cuts out all of the movement between presets, hence the term preset freeze. I originally was hopeful that would eliminate motion detection, but the nature of ptz is typically two stage movement when calling a preset- first it pans and tilts and second it zooms. So while preset freeze does a great job of cutting out the pan and tilt, it will show the zoom of the new preset and register motion detection. So preset freeze doesn't stop motion detection, but it is still a great setting to have enabled all the time.
I have on 2mp 3x ptz mounted near two analog eyeball cameras with IR's and it see's the IR's from those cameras. Me personally do not mind if the NVR records motion from the PTZ going to
a preset. What if you click preset 3 and all of a sudden there is something in the picture that it went to. You would want instant recording. It's bad enough I don't trust dahua motion detection,
so every bit of recording won't matter to me.
Makes sense if you click on a preset, but my concern was patrols. If you have the camera say go to a patrol of a preset every 20 seconds, it will basically record 24/7, just trying to see if some software engineer somewhere thought of turning off motion detect during PTZ. Not saying anyone else does it better, just seeing if one vendor had that aha moment yet.

One thing that bugged me about the Dahua PTZ patrol is you could not set how much time to stop at each location, it was a fixed time. Did they improve this in later firmware?

Also, in reviewing the ACTi PTZ, the B95, I found something very unique about ACTi, they PTZ all at the same time so very fast where all other PTZ I used, even very expensive ones wait for PT to complete before zooming.