LaView LV-PB932F4 -- Hikvision Camera?

Just got my JST connectors in and was able to flash the LV-N9808C8E NVR with Hikvision 3.3.6 firmware! I'm happy to say the most painful part of this was stripping the wires on the JST connector down enough to get a good connection into the TTL connectors on the USB cable. I then rebooted the NVR from the web interface to try and get a hint of what type of firmware would likely work and I noticed this little nugget scroll by:

So I went to the Hikvision site and pulled down the zip file for DS-76xxNI-E1(E2)P/DS-76xxNI-E1(E2)P_USA_Firmware_V3.3.6_151229. I unzipped it and spun up the native TFTP server on my mac (not the Hikvision one...that might work, but I don't know for sure) and dropped the digicap.dav into my TFTP server root. I then rebooted the NVR and you'll have about two seconds to interrupt the U-boot prompt by typing Ctrl+U. I then gave the device its usual IP and then the IP of my TFTP server. It looked like this:

It took a couple minutes to download, erase and rewrite the image, perform some integrity checks and was I was eventually prompted to reboot. (Sorry, didn't manage to copy/paste that bit.) Anyway, after reboot the box came back up with I couldn't figure out how to reset the IP from the serial connection as there's some limited shell prompt type menu, so I just changed my workstation IP to to be able to access the box long enough to change the admin password and assign its normal IP address. The SADP tool could have saved the hassle of temporarily changing IPs, but I didn't bother.

It's only been an hour or so since I did it, but everything looks fine to me. The only thing I've noticed out of place is that the the web UI retained the LaView logo in the top left corner of the web UI when logged in and it's too large for the space allocated for it. I'm thinking that was just left on a partition that may have gone untouched during flashing and I'm not really concerned about it.

Now to find out how to get SSH enabled...

Could you provide a little more information about updating the firmware on the NVR? So I need to get a JST connector, wire it up to a USB cable, and connect it to the computer? What exactly is the purpose of connecting the JST connector? If it's possible, would you mind writing out the steps to update the firmware? Thanks!
There should plenty enough info in this thread (I asked a lot of questions as well). Just follow the instructions and you will be set. The only gotcha I ran into, is a firewall issue while trying to copy files to the NVR after connecting. Remember to turn off your Windows firewall when flashing the NVR. Second gotcha was the TFTP server. I used the Hikvision TFTP server app to flash my NVR. Good luck!
Thanks for the links. I looked them over and searched around for other's experience updating. The only bit about the whole process that I'm still confused about is what the purpose of the serial/JST interface is? It appears I can just setup a TFTP server, go into u-boot by pressing ctrl + u on the keyboard at the appropriate time, and transfer the firmware if the IPs are setup correctly. What's the serial interface for in this process?
I'm not sure why we need to use a serial connection for the tftp server (I just followed instructions).
Can you try it? When you connect with an Ethernet cable do you get the same option to interrupt the boot? IF yes, try and do the flash.
I think it's fairly low risk since you have the Laview NVR firmware update to fall back on.
Good news for this thread! I was able to flash the LV-PB932F4 with the Hikvision DS-2CD2x10,2x20,2x 5.3.0 firmware successfully today on all 6 cameras.

I just got a LaView system from NewEgg. So far, I've been really happy. I have a question for you, but let me preface that I am a total noob with this stuff. That being said, why didn't you just upgrade your cameras using the web interface using the official 5.3.0 firmware from the LaView website?

I struggled gaining access to the web page for each camera's internal web UI until I found another post here describing the process on the NVR. In the web UI for the NVR, go to:

Configuration --> Network --> Advanced --> Other

From there, put a check next to "Enable Virtual Host" and click save.

You should now be able to access each camera at http://<your NVR's IP address>:65001 (change to 65002 for the next camera, etc.)

I just upgraded to the LaView 5.3.0 firmware.

LaView must have just released the camera update.
There were no updates for the camera a month or so ago (only for the NVR).
For the NVR, the virtual host option wasn't there for the firmware available a few months ago as well (this is the main reason I wanted the Hikvision firmware).

These are rebranded Hikvision products and LaView will always be "playing catch up" when it comes to new features or stability when Hikvision releases updated firmware.
There is also no guarantee LaView will keep releasing their version of updated firmware.
LaView must have just released the camera update.
There were no updates for the camera a month or so ago (only for the NVR).
For the NVR, the virtual host option wasn't there for the firmware available a few months ago as well (this is the main reason I wanted the Hikvision firmware).

These are rebranded Hikvision products and LaView will always be "playing catch up" when it comes to new features or stability when Hikvision releases updated firmware.
There is also no guarantee LaView will keep releasing their version of updated firmware.

Thanks for the explanation. This makes sense. I think I'll stick with LaView's official updates until they abandon the hardware. From there, I can always move to the Hikvision firmware.
FYI, LaView has released a firmware version V3.4.62_20160802 for their LV-N9808C8E NVR. It fixes the Gmail problem.

I received that email as well.
This is a good example of what can happen when a third party modifies firmware. They introduce new bugs/defects. It took LaView almost a year to fix this gmail issue. The native Hikvision firmware doesn't have an issue with gmail (or at least for me it doesn't).
I'm not suggesting Hikvision doesn't have bugs/defects in their firmware (all software/firmware has defects).

In this case, if the bug was with the Hikvision firmware, Laview would have had to wait for Hikvision to fix it, then LaView would have had to fix it in their version of the firmware and release it for their products. No telling how long that could take.
I received that email as well.
This is a good example of what can happen when a third party modifies firmware. They introduce new bugs/defects. It took LaView almost a year to fix this gmail issue. The native Hikvision firmware doesn't have an issue with gmail (or at least for me it doesn't).
I'm not suggesting Hikvision doesn't have bugs/defects in their firmware (all software/firmware has defects).

In this case, if the bug was with the Hikvision firmware, Laview would have had to wait for Hikvision to fix it, then LaView would have had to fix it in their version of the firmware and release it for their products. No telling how long that could take.

So, I'm new at this. I just got my NVR last week, and I haven't even installed the cameras yet... I agree with everything you've said, but I'm still under warranty with LaView. Once that's over, I'll probably switch over.

In this case, LaView seemed to be pretty responsive to me. From what I can tell, Hikvision fixed this on July 27, 2016. For LaView to follow with the update within a week is pretty good, IMHO.
So, I'm new at this. I just got my NVR last week, and I haven't even installed the cameras yet... I agree with everything you've said, but I'm still under warranty with LaView. Once that's over, I'll probably switch over.

In this case, LaView seemed to be pretty responsive to me. From what I can tell, Hikvision fixed this on July 27, 2016. For LaView to follow with the update within a week is pretty good, IMHO.

Good catch. I was wrong.
This was an issue in the Hikvision firmware once Google changed their security. What is odd is that I use a gmail account for email and I haven't had any issues receiving emails from the NVR.

I agree, that is great turnaround time for LaView to release their update.
Hi, I just received the jst connector and the usb serial cable. After reading through the threads, I still have a few questions that I would need help in updating my laview nvr with hikvision latest firmware.

1. I just connect the jst connector and USB serial cable together but how can I test connection? Looking at the tftp log, looked liked the connection failed.

2. I run the tftp on windows 7 pc with the USB serial cable plugged in. It kept saying it could find the driver for the device. Is the driver needed?

3. I'm still not clear on how to hit ctrl+u to stop the autoboot of the nvr. I'm assuming I reboot the nvr via the application and have an usb keyboard plugged into the nvr, and kept hitting ctrl+u? I tried rebooting multiple times and hitting ctrl+u but no luck.

I just connect the jst connector and USB serial cable together but how can I test connection?
You need a 'terminal' program to be able to talk to the USB serial interface.
A popular and good one is PuTTY, from here :
From Windows Device Manager (serial ports), find out what COM port the USB to TTL Serial convertor has been assigned.
In PuTTY, create a serial configuration for the COM port, with serial settings of baud rate=115,200, 8 bits no parity and save it.
When you load it - you should have access to the serial console.

and have an usb keyboard plugged into the nvr, and kept hitting ctrl+u? I tried rebooting multiple times and hitting ctrl+u but no luck.
No - you don't need a keyboard on the NVR, just on your PC,
Hi, I just received the jst connector and the usb serial cable. After reading through the threads, I still have a few questions that I would need help in updating my laview nvr with hikvision latest firmware.

1. I just connect the jst connector and USB serial cable together but how can I test connection? Looking at the tftp log, looked liked the connection failed.

2. I run the tftp on windows 7 pc with the USB serial cable plugged in. It kept saying it could find the driver for the device. Is the driver needed?

3. I'm still not clear on how to hit ctrl+u to stop the autoboot of the nvr. I'm assuming I reboot the nvr via the application and have an usb keyboard plugged into the nvr, and kept hitting ctrl+u? I tried rebooting multiple times and hitting ctrl+u but no luck.


If your still having connection issues after you get putty up and running, disable your windows firewall and try again. I had to disable mine to establish a connection.
Just saw alastair's post, never mind:)

Hi, thanks. Another follow up question, do I need to run putty in addition to tftp or either one will work?

If your still having connection issues after you get putty up and running, disable your windows firewall and try again. I had to disable mine to establish a connection.
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So I setup a TFTP server and tried to Ctrl + U during the boot sequence, but couldn't get the NVR to take the new firmware. Any tips from those of you that have got it to work successfully?
Nothing showed up under ports as I've mentioned the device wasnt installed. Where can I get generic driver for this connector? Thanks.


You need a 'terminal' program to be able to talk to the USB serial interface.
A popular and good one is PuTTY, from here :
From Windows Device Manager (serial ports), find out what COM port the USB to TTL Serial convertor has been assigned.
In PuTTY, create a serial configuration for the COM port, with serial settings of baud rate=115,200, 8 bits no parity and save it.
When you load it - you should have access to the serial console.

No - you don't need a keyboard on the NVR, just on your PC,
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so i googled and found a prolific usb serial driver and installed it. Now i can see it's COM4. But putty won't let me log into the nvr. not sure what went wrong here.


Nothing showed up under ports as I've mentioned the device wasnt installed. Where can I get generic driver for this connector? Thanks.

View attachment 12876
But putty won't let me log into the nvr.
Have you configured and saved the profile in PuTTY for the settings of baud rate=115,200, 8 bits no parity?
Have you connected the wires correctly? Tx to Rx, Rx to Tx, GND to GND?
How did you figure out which wire is which?