LaView LV-PB932F4 -- Hikvision Camera?

Thanks for quick reply, will try one more time over the weekend.
I only use HIK firmware, I've yet to try a Laview FW. I believe the current latest version on Laview site is 5.40. I can't speak on those FW's. What I will say is make sure you use the TFTP method to update, it works when other ways fail. To use, make sure IPC is on, then start tftp program, make sure ip address shown in program shows, not when ip shows, then restart IPC. TFTP should pick up IPC from that point and start the FW update. After update it may reboot IPC and reflash FW again, so make sure you stop the tftp program after it says completed, and never during a flash process. Personally, I let it run through a couple of times before I stop it. Good luck!

I've been trying to flash to the firmware mentioned here using this method but TFTP gets stuck at Completed file transmit and doesn't do anything else.

I've been trying to flash to the firmware mentioned here using this method but TFTP gets stuck at Completed file transmit and doesn't do anything else.
Just stop TFTP when you see "Completed file transmit" event. I did that and when camera comes back up, it is already running Hikvision firmware.
Another update on updating firmware for the LaView IP/Cams LV-PB932F4 aka (HIKVision DS-2CD2020(D)I). Successfully updated to V5.4.81 build 180203 using FW from first site below:

read pdf for list of supported cams, a quite extensive list

FW 5.4.81-180203

On another note, it seems to be getting harder to find the older firmwares that actually work (for me anyway). When searching for a 5.3.0 or 5.4.0, or 5.4.5 FW, the digicam file size is actually twice as big (~26MB+ vs. older files size of ~14MB). These larger file size digicams didn't work for me when flashing the cam's FW . I had 4 LV cams at 5.2.5, I tried flashing 5.3.0, 5.4.0, 5.4.5 for an hour or two, no luck, always came back at 5.25. I thought to myself while scratching my head, man these files sizes seem larger than before. I searched, and in answer to my suspicions, I was correct. I found a 5.3.0 at ~14MB (below), and Voila! successful flash. I then tracked down a smaller sized digicam file for the most recent FW 5.4.81 (found it at link above), and success once again. I also realize during this flashing session that all of my old links no longer work and most of those older sites now offer FW's that seem bloated with something that doubles the file size. If they work for you, great. They didn't for me. (It must be a conspiracy, where's my foil hat? lol) All I'm saying is if you find somethinf that works for you, keep it, because you may not find it again. That goes for firmwares and the TFTP program as well. Best of luck and No Bricks Allowed.

FW 5.3.0_150513
DS-2CD2x10,2x20,2x14 IP Support - Download

Edit: I've updated the HIK IPC number to DS-2CD2020(D)I from the 2CD-DS2022 I had previously. I got the previous number from an alternate thread on the Laview IPC's. I believe these cameras to be the 2020's because of my successful firware updates using 2020 FW's, I have yet to see 2022 as a supported device in the support list of any previous FW I've used...

uodate 9/18: Laview website lists this cam as a FW R2, further corroborating it's a 2CD-DS2020.
If anybody found the first download link doesn't work, try this:
FW 5.4.81-180203

This is the latest firmware I can find, and I've successfully updated 2 of my cameras using TFTP method.
Thank you lostindark, for the updated FW link, the links seldom stay up for too long. Also, I was able to update a couple these ipcams to FW V5.4.5 build 170123. Not too much difference between the 2 FW's. If I'm not mistaken, I believe you lose SSH with 5.4.5, but gain security from the password hack exploit if someone should get your ipcam serial number. I've been using these FW's for awhile now, they both seem quite stable and I have had no issues with either of them. The FW V5.4.5 build 170123 can be found below:

I am having a problem with one of my LV-PB932F4. I think I know the answer, but wanted to check here first. I tried to update the firmware via the web interface (using IE). The instructions said don't touch anything, it's all automatic. After the 2-5min the UI had a user response box to reboot the device. I was confused and let it sit for about 30mins and then refreshed the webpage. And the camera did not come back up in the system, so I manually rebooted the camera by pulling the PoE, and waited some more. The NVR registers the camera as "Offline(IP camera does not exist)". I did try the reset button, no change. I have followed all the instructions in this forum (TFTP firmware load), no change. The camera does power on (I get the IR lights to trigger), I just cannot connect to it (besides the TFTP tool). I do get a oddity that I have not seen reported in the posts. When using the TFTP updater I get a "Resend required" x2 then a completed transmit.

LV-PB932F4 Firmware Log.PNG

Based on what the NVR is saying, not being able to connect to the camera, and the resend required I think it's FUBAR. I wanted your opinions before I trashed it.

Original Firmware v5.2.0
Update attempt to Laview's v5.4.0
Obtained other versions (thanks for the links) from Hikvision's site v5.4.3 - v5.4.81
v5.4.41+ - Camera cycles power after transmit complete, but will not either power up or IR light turn on (not sure which)
v5.4.3- - Camera cycles power after transmit complete, and stays on (at least the IR lights will turn on)
Current Firmware v5.4.0
Based on what the NVR is saying, not being able to connect to the camera, and the resend required I think it's FUBAR.
A Resend request isn't a fatal problem, it will have no effect, the file completed transfer OK.

It's likely that the camera has changed IP address as a consequence of being 'reset to defaults' by this update method, and will likely also be in an 'Inactive' state.
SADP should find the camera and show its status, allow 'Activation' and IP address change to match what the NVR expects.
Thanks for the response, but I have never gotten the SADP Tool to work. It has never found any online cameras. I did update the tool from your link (thanks btw), but it can't find the troublesome camera. I have ran the SADP Tool as admin and as well trying to run it without that option, and same result. I have also tried to connect to the camera directly using the default address listed in the manual, with no luck. Usually I masquerade my NIC. I have tried running SADP non masqueraded, and same result. I understand what you're saying that it would have defaulted to, but I can't manually navigate to it or have SADP find it. That's why I'm getting confused, because it sees/communicates with the TFTP Tool, but I can't find the camera on the network. I am not sure what else to try, at this point.

I did move my computer into the range of the other cameras that I know are working, and the SADP Tool cannot find them either. I have a cross connect from the main non-PoE switch into the 8 port PoE switch of the NVR. So I have been able to directly connect to the cameras via the web, but I will be using the virtual host setting after this issue is resolved.