I just read this, and looked up the 4XXX series I think I am missing something here. Above you compared then 4416 to the 5216. What if you compare the 4216 to the 5216? or the 4416 to the 5416? I choose the 44XX because I am looking for more storage, actually was looking at the 48XX because of the RAID capabilities, but then realized that I will just use a NAS for that backup. What I do not understand is if the 4XXX series is faster and newer, supports more users, have 16 alarm channel, 2 less relay outputs,has one ethernet port instead of 2, and has less USB ports why is 4XXX NVR cost less than the 5XXX? and why did you choose the 5XXX unit?The NVR5216 and newer NVR4416 seem very close.
NVR4416 has 128 max users vs 20 | 200M bandwidth vs 160M | 4 HDD up to 16TB vs. 2 HDD up to 8TB.... I'm leaning towards NVR5216
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for your own use USB is fine; for providing footage to law enforcement a DVD is better as its read only right out of the NVR and cheap as shit... sure I could copy it to usb, put it in a computer then burn it to a disk but the rate optical media is going this could be one of the last internal writers that would get any use in my lab.. my laptops dont have optical drives anymore and im not about to give the PD a usb drive without monetary reimbursement.. I imagine its also easier for the prosecutor when a cop can testify he got the video directly out of the recorder, on a read-only media and it had no opportunity to be tampered with.
I also see my self archiving interesting things off to DVD and closing the disk when its finally full; wildlife encounters, kids playing, etc.. anything I may want to go back to long after it would have been normally overwritten.. I am looking at the 4 disk for expansion opportunity; personally I intend on running 2x4TB disks and an optical with room for a 3rd 4TB disk and perhaps a 4th if the burner dont get used often and its needed.. I have plenty of working burners and disks laying about that need to be used
Could I archive to a big USB disk? sure would it fill up and need overwritten or replaced eventually? Yep.. Will I want to go back and find video of a long lost pet once playing in the back yard? Very likely given enough time.. DVD is suitable.
I won't know that until I really get the 4208 in place. It is a different gui in some respects, and it has me fumbling a little since I'm so used to previous versions of dahua gui. But all software options look the same except for the ones I haven't had a chance to try yet, being-vector or anyone notice any additional software features that the 5xxx series (Pro) over the 4xxx (Value) series? As far as I can tell they seem to run identical featured firmware.
vector or anyone notice any additional software features that the 5xxx series (Pro) over the 4xxx (Value) series? As far as I can tell they seem to run identical featured firmware.
At this point its pretty clear the new 4xxx value line is on par with or better than the 5xxx series in most areas except general availability.
I am betting the 4xxx got a more recent CPU with more GPIO's and higher bus speeds than anything they were using before; thats why its better specs/price right now.. I suspect this will either end the 2 different pro/value lines or they are whipping up a new pro line based off the new CPU's and the'll come out in short order with even higher bus speeds of 300-400Mbps and possibly even more GPIO's (Alarm IOs)
The current 42xx/44xx models on there website are brand spanking new; a few months ago the 5216 was probably the best deal but I think that is changing as these new models get out here.
I am attracted at the analogue video output so I can get cams to remote TV's over existing analogue infrastructure; temporarily until a time when I can distribute digital video across 4 levels with 3 bedrooms and 2 offices affordably.. With luck QAM Encoders+Modulators will become affordable enough we can broadcast 1080p over existing coax; the technology exists but its still cost prohibitive.