Looks like we all will need home generators.


Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
Straight Outta Mayberry
When these guys are caught they need to be put into cells with no electricity no heat.

Put them in a 10 by 10 cell that's covered by conductive metal . The only area that is not electrically conductive is a center section that's 2 by 2 area. After a few hours, they will take care of themselves saving the taxpayer thousands.
They must be destroying the automation controls for the Auto-Breakers. I can't think of much more that could be destroyed in a sub-station without them becoming a Post-Toasty....:idk: They had a chance to eradicate the little ANTIFA thugs while they were weak 5 years ago. As usual, the libs decided they were too valuable a criminal asset for their cause to do anything about it. Now, the Citizens will be forced to take care of the problem, as the Biden admin surely won't.
It's really sad that our society (and the family unit) has declined to a point where someone thinks this is funny and/or appropriate.....

If they were stealing the copper, at least I could understand the underlying motivation. (I wouldn't agree or condone it, but I could understand it). This on the other hand is pure vandalism with only one goal - to cause pain and suffering to others. They clearly did not learn right from wrong - or at least didn't face any real consequences for doing wrong - when they were growing up.
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This started in NC earlier this month. And now the copycat's are now doing this now across the country. You will see more of this in the future.

View attachment 149197

Washington burglars take out three power substations on Christmas
Oh Now these pieces of shit are "BURGLARS" ? What did they steal? This is terrorism through and through and need to be called what they really are. This is part of the "Woke, Green Ideology that has been festering in society for years. I believe you are correct when you say we will be seeing more of this. This is about causing chaos.
Oh Now these pieces of shit are "BURGLARS" ? What did they steal?
I had the same reaction and looked up the definition of burglary. Turns out just entering the premises satisfies the definition, don't have to take anything. This violates what I consider common understanding but the writer is technically correct. For myself, I would have called it vandalism. The press reporting will just lead to more copycats.
These little shit stains on humanity are just getting started. Now they know that what they did, works. It has been communicated to all the other shit stains that this works. Anytime they want to cause some havoc, they will just go take a sub station or two down. Just wait until they take the communications grid down at the same time they take the power grid down. Hide and watch. It is coming. That is when America needs to either shit or get off the pot.
Are these the same people setting fires to food plants, chicken farms, etc?
ANTIFA. They like setting fire to cars, building, cities, themselves, etc. Their protein deficient vegan mentality is: We have solar panels and wind mills. We want green NOW (Even though their solar panels and windmills are nothing even close to "green", nor does it currently or will it in the near future supply electricity to run America reliably. (see link below. This solar farm didn't even last 10 years. It failed miserably and they abandoned it in place several years ago.) They can only think for the moment. They don't understand that solar and wind is not feasible in all areas of the country. They only understand what is in front of them at that moment.

They must be destroying the automation controls for the Auto-Breakers. I can't think of much more that could be destroyed in a sub-station without them becoming a Post-Toasty....:idk: They had a chance to eradicate the little ANTIFA thugs while they were weak 5 years ago. As usual, the libs decided they were too valuable a criminal asset for their cause to do anything about it. Now, the Citizens will be forced to take care of the problem, as the Biden admin surely won't.

I won't go into the details as I do not want to encourage copy-cats.
Oh Now these pieces of shit are "BURGLARS" ? What did they steal? This is terrorism through and through and need to be called what they really are. This is part of the "Woke, Green Ideology that has been festering in society for years. I believe you are correct when you say we will be seeing more of this. This is about causing chaos.
They didn't steal anything. They just took the substations offline.
There were hospitals that could not perform any surgeries as they were under generator power. The rule is if you are on the table and the utility goes out, then they can finish under gens. But they cannot start while on gens. Just think if you needed emergency surgery but couldn't due to this.
Are these the same people setting fires to food plants, chicken farms, etc?
Plausible. They could be test runs, to see what the impact on society is.
Well it looks like the substations might need cameras :). which means job security for some installer somewhere. I wonder if they will get fussy on which brand of camera goes into the install. :)
If the supply chain thing continues perhaps End of life-New old stock will do from somewhere. Maybe Costco. :)