Lorex 2K doorbell

i just got the Lorex 2K QHD Video Doorbell working with BlueIris
Set it up in the Lorex Home App
entered the IP address in Blue Iris new camera
used admin for the username and the password i entered in the lorex home app
and it works:)
haven't tried the triggers yet but the video works
also they are on sale for $99 today so i'm going to order a few more

How are you liking it so far? Debating on picking this one up (or the Amcrest variant) or waiting for the Reolink to be restocked. Preferably would like something that works with Blue Iris.
How are you liking it so far? Debating on picking this one up (or the Amcrest variant) or waiting for the Reolink to be restocked. Preferably would like something that works with Blue Iris.
They are working great I got 3 more but haven't installed them yet
It doesn't say it in the box but if you look at the specs it works on 12v DC and that is how I have been running it
Just saw this on YouTube that someone was doing a review about.

It seems to be interesting. Anyone here using it? Share your thoughts on this Doorbell.

Hello - I have been using the Lorex 2K Doorbell for about a year - it works good - better than the Arlo - less latency for sure. But, unlike the Arlo and maybe others, there is no way to silence the mechanical doorbell. I even called tech support to no avail. I don't always want the doorbell to sound in the house, but rather just get the notification on my phone (my mech chime is quite loud). Since there is a setting for a wifi doorbell in the app, I ordered one from Lorex, thinking that switching the setting would silence the existing chime and just ring the wifi chime, which you can turn off, or make much quieter with different sounds. But, much to my chagrin, my existing mechanical chime still rings! Along with the wifi one. I tried various ways of bypassing the mech chime, but then the Lorex doesn't work at all. I guess I'll have to take the solenoid plungers out of the mech chime to stop it. Any thoughts on this? You would think Lorex would have included a silencing setting, but no. Thanks for any input.
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if anyone is interested:

-can be added to hikvision NVR w/ main and substream (user name: admin, pw is whatever you set the camera to. RTSP port 554, stream path /cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0 for main and subtype=1 for sub)
-can add to the PSS software with port 35000
-can use MQTT using DahuaVTO channel
-can be added to home assistant using Dahua add-on on port 8086 and events viewed directly (GitHub - rroller/dahua: Dahua Camera and Doorbell Home Assistant Integration)

edit: had time to test and events are not broadcast, going to try
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-can be added to home assistant using Dahua add-on on port 8086 and events viewed directly
Well that's a very interesting discovery! Thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum!

This suggests that the local API/web service is available on the Lorex 2K DB, just not on port 80. The HA core Amcrest integration can also be configured to use port 8086 and would be interesting to confirm if that's an option too for processing DB events.

@rp_guy Would you mind trying this local API call to see if the Lorex responds in your browser?
Fetch all configurations: http://<lorex_IP>:8086/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=getConfig&name=All
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Thanks for confirming the HTTP API doesn't respond on 8086 either. I reviewed your EDIT above from /r/Scrypted and am still confused.

Referring to the "MQTT Topics" that DahuaVTO2MQTT can subscribe to - they are IDENTICAL to the API events that the Amcrest DB presents:


So what needs further investigation is how the DahuaVTO2MQTT code is able to subscribe to Lorex DB events but the Dahua Integration can't, and is Scrypted actually required. (BTW, there is also an Amcrest2MQTT available which probably would also work).
You dont need scrypted or the hubitat automation really - at least I didnt need them.

  • For recording the feed 24/7, you can use any NVR and the RTSP feed, either high or low quality.
  • for getting the events (button press, motion detection, intrusion detection, person detection) you can just use dahua2mqtt and then get mqtt into home assistant
  • alternatively, without even using dahua2mqtt, you can use get the RTSP feeds into frigate and get frigate to do the detections instead of the doorbell itself, then get them in home assistant through the frigate integration. Frigate will also serve small videos around the detection time, or even do 24/7 recording itself.
Found a new use case (face recognition) that I'd like to pull a high res snapshot for. I connect to my camera with smartpss, camera->encode->snapshot->......smartpss crashes. I'm guessing it's not available/supported, but thought I'd put this out there and see if anyone else has the same results or if you have it working. Thanks

I have several Lorex B451AJ doorbells.

nmap show the following ports open

root@mele-ud22:~# nmap -sT -p-
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2023-11-13 06:39 EST
Nmap scan report for porch.[redacted].com (
Host is up (0.017s latency).
Not shown: 65531 closed ports
554/tcp   open  rtsp
5000/tcp  open  upnp
8086/tcp  open  d-s-n
35000/tcp open  heathview

I downloaded the Amcrest IP Config app can login to the doorbell

Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 6.47.25 AM.png
Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 6.48.04 AM.png


Has anyone simply tried to enter port numbers and save using the Amcrest IP Config app? I don't want to brick my doorbell, especially without a backup of the firmware. I have been advised on the Amcrest forums to not try to flash the AD410 firmware on the Lorex B451AJ


I downloaded the Dahua SmartPSS software and was able to login to the Lorex B451AJ, which populate and port number. Just not sure what will happen if I save.

Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 9.06.40 AM.png
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I've used the SmartPSS app to connect to my Lorex 2K doorbell in hopes to remove that stupid Lorex logo off the screen - no can do (apparently on the Amcrest this is possible via the API commands).
I've also changed some video settings via the SmartPSS app, but the doorbell picture became horrible, and I had to do a reset on the doorbell, it fixed everything back to normal - but a pain as you need to remove it (not a huge pain).

Having said that, I don't believe that it will brick it, there are certain function that you won't be able to write to it, it will just throw an error (like the one below)
i.e. I tried to add an additional USER to the 2K doorbell, it won't work (ironically, the 1080P Lorex doorbell that I just sent back - Amazon - allows one to add an additional user, so that you don't use the admin one with BI).

Noone has been able to get the same options as for the Amcrest on this doorbell, which is too bad in my opinion.
If it's under warranty, you could always replace it if bricked, no?

In any case, tell us how it goes!
Noone has been able to get the same options as for the Amcrest on this doorbell, which is too bad in my opinion.
If it's under warranty, you could always replace it if bricked, no?

If I purchase one of their Fusion NVRs, do they have a documented or reverse engineered API that would allow event notifications and two way audio to any device that supports it?

I see Lorex announced (shipping in December) a new Matter compatible Fusion NVR, but according to their documentation it only supports an alarm press. No event notification or video streams since Matter 1.0 spec does not support video cameras.

What about third party NVRs (Dahua or Amcrest), or BI or Zoneminder?
I've used the SmartPSS app to connect to my Lorex 2K doorbell in hopes to remove that stupid Lorex logo off the screen - no can do (apparently on the Amcrest this is possible via the API commands).
I've also changed some video settings via the SmartPSS app, but the doorbell picture became horrible, and I had to do a reset on the doorbell, it fixed everything back to normal - but a pain as you need to remove it (not a huge pain).

Having said that, I don't believe that it will brick it, there are certain function that you won't be able to write to it, it will just throw an error (like the one below)
i.e. I tried to add an additional USER to the 2K doorbell, it won't work (ironically, the 1080P Lorex doorbell that I just sent back - Amazon - allows one to add an additional user, so that you don't use the admin one with BI).

Noone has been able to get the same options as for the Amcrest on this doorbell, which is too bad in my opinion.
If it's under warranty, you could always replace it if bricked, no?

In any case, tell us how it goes!

Replacing a Lorex doorbell camera under warranty is not that easy. It took me over two weeks of back & forth correspondence to get them to even agree to replace mine under warranty. They'll want you to send videos, photos, answer various questions etc. so you can expect to be challenged and if you bricked it trying to jail break it with some unauthorized firmware load they're going to know and will deny warranty coverage.
I was using Dahua2MQTT to capture buttons presses on the topic [prefix]/AlarmLocal/Event but a few months ago it quit working and nothing I can do with recreating that container, updating seems to help. Have tried Elad Bar and RonnieRoller versions. Anyone else running into this? Might go down the path of building a sensor out of the mechanical chime to see if I can get functionality back that way, but would prefer not to.
I was using Dahua2MQTT to capture buttons presses on the topic [prefix]/AlarmLocal/Event but a few months ago it quit working and nothing I can do with recreating that container, updating seems to help. Have tried Elad Bar and RonnieRoller versions. Anyone else running into this? Might go down the path of building a sensor out of the mechanical chime to see if I can get functionality back that way, but would prefer not to.

I use my doorbell in Hubitat hub where someone had created a driver to capture the button press or event which work great for me. It was working until I updated the firmware a couple of firmware ago and lot of function including push button stop being captured by Hubitat hub until I went back to the first firmware for my doorbell. Also the latest firmware was capping the fps to 15 as well too. I don't know of Lorex 2K firmware has that limitation or not since mine is a Amcrest 410AD which basically is the same thing with its own firmware.
Figured it out - when I updated to Frigate 12 I switched (per recommend practice) to using go2rtc. It was keeping a persistent backchannel connection to the doorbell for the "listen in" function. When that is in use it disables the doorbell button entirely. Enabling the status LED helped with troubleshooting. Adding
to the end of the url has fixed the issue. I can still get audio with my recordings, and my events are firing through DahuaVTO2MQTT for doorbell press.
For anyone relying on the Dahuavto2mqtt integration, FYI it appears that with the latest firmware update of the doorbell, they blocked/disabled port 5000, so that integration does not work anymore :(

This is what the port scan looks like on my doorbell now after the latest update to firmware version 2.820 just the other day. Notice that ports 5000 and 8086 are now no longer exposed:

Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-12-19 09:29 EST
Nmap scan report for x.x.x.x
Host is up (0.051s latency).
Not shown: 65533 closed ports
554/tcp   open  rtsp
35000/tcp open  heathview

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 15.99 seconds
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Has anyone noticed that when someone rings the doorbell the RTSP feed cuts out?
Is this because of the mechanics of getting the doorbell to ring (I've wired mine to use the existing doorbell) so expected behaviour?
Has anyone noticed that when someone rings the doorbell the RTSP feed cuts out?
Is this because of the mechanics of getting the doorbell to ring (I've wired mine to use the existing doorbell) so expected behaviour?
I had exactly that problem and then appended #backchannel=0 to my RTSP address and that sorted it. Hope it helps.