Lorex 2K doorbell

thanks, that's interesting, where did you find this fix documented?
Like this?

Like this:

I think I found it on a random forum somewhere else about a different camera. Tried it and it worked.
I'll give it a shot, but when I added it to the end of the streams above Main/Sub BI would not load the stream anylonger...
That definitely made the difference in my frigate config file. Hope it helps.
(I notice in the screengrab you wrote #backchannel=0S... not sure if that was just a typo before you screengrabbed but it's just #backchannel=0 (no S) on the end of the two stream profile bits.)
Yup, here it is, once I put this in, the BI can no longer see/connect to the camera, just give me a No Signal RTSP: 404 not found

In my previous screen capture I had pasted it on there (with typo) just to ask the question, I never tried to use like that.

Have you tried a different player? I just opened VLC to double check mine.
Open Network >

Obviously replace password and the IP with yours.
Maybe it's the software?

In case it's relevant, I have a mechanical chime attached to mine although I doubt that makes a difference.
@teredactle question, Are you saying that the doorbell disconnects from Bi when button is pressed or does it really disconnect because the battery that is inside is dead? It seems this is an issue with these 2k doorbells and your disconnect might not just be from your Bi but from the camera really going offline it self.

To repair would need to source another battery that is like kind and size, While so far I don't know of anyone that sales them with the extras that will need to be taking from the old battery. First there is a Temp Sensor that is taped onto the battery in the camera that will need to be moved over to the new battery taking care to remove from current battery. Second the board in the battery top will need to be removed and changed out to the new battery as well. It is a Protection board for the battery and I guess the 2K doorbells might have something in theirs that the camera wants for the system to function. So if the battery you find has one it will need to be removed and the one you take from your current doorbell battery will need to be added.

Last update did something strange to the camera and the way they were working before.. Before plugged into the USB didn't matter about the battery condition. Have one at my cabin that is working on USB and battery was changed out to different doorbell and not even added back. After last update the camera would not work again when button was pressed even with USB as the power source and that don't make any sense to me really because the USB is connected to Main board not the Power board. So had to take another cameras battery from one that has bad Firmware battery still good and camera working again. But what and why. I hope they fix that in a new update because as it is now making it so battery is required to function is BS..

Test the doorbell, Press button and try to answer in the lorex app if the battery is dead the app will not find the camera and camera will come back online once power is restored