LPR: Blurry Images During Day Time

Yes, the Iris can be changed and that will impact the DOF.

Remember that the FPS has nothing to do with exposure, focus, or DOF. I am thinking that since you keep mentioning it that you are thinking that the FPS has impact on exposure.
Good point. I actually don't think fps has anything to do with exposure, etc. I just mentioned it because @IReallyLikePizza2 said he is running at 25fps so I wanted to make everything the same. It's my understanding exposure, etc is all controlled by the shutter speed. So let's say I run at 15fps. That's a frame every 67ms. Let's further say my shutter speed is 1ms. So that means the actual exposure is 1ms and the other 67ms-1ms=66ms the camera is just twiddling its thumbs (or maybe lens) and throw the accumulate image/photons/electrons out just before starting that next 1ms frame. So all the fps is doing is making sure you catch whatever you want to see while something/someone is moving through the picture.
These cams are no different than any other camera, like a Nikon DSLR or a Kodak Instamatic. Exposure is controlled by the shutter speed and the Iris opening (F-stop in photography lingo). As you know, the Iris (F-Stop) will control the DOF. Just like sports photography.

Trying to match someone else's caps is futile. Their situation is different than yours. Distance, angle, street lighting, cabling, hardware, etc is all different. That is why we say to use someone else's settings as a starting point and then adjust to your specific FOV.
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