Malibu Fires


Much attention has focused on how State Farm canceled insurance policies for roughly 1,600 homes in Pacific Palisades just a few months ago. The company’s reason was the state’s refusal to mitigate the risks of entirely predictable and likely wildfires, along with price controls that prohibited setting premiums at the necessary rate for coverage. Yet, according to leftists who cheer the assassination of insurance company CEOs, this is simply evil and greedy capitalists ensuring that people suffer without help.

Much attention has focused on how State Farm canceled insurance policies for roughly 1,600 homes in Pacific Palisades just a few months ago. The company’s reason was the state’s refusal to mitigate the risks of entirely predictable and likely wildfires, along with price controls that prohibited setting premiums at the necessary rate for coverage. Yet, according to leftists who cheer the assassination of insurance company CEOs, this is simply evil and greedy capitalists ensuring that people suffer without help.
So this is the second link from this site that I cannot text through T-Mobile...censoring? I send all kinds of URLs via text.
Another new fire - Granada Hills suburb of LA
Kinda glad I have the Thermal CAM that detects fire. But if our forest went up, we would go up to. To Heaven...
With Newsom changing zoning from single family residential to multi family dwellings, all the investors/developers will swoop in the basically steal the land using quick claim deeds when the homeowners get their claims denied, or find out how long and how much it will cost to rebuild. This will result in the single largest transfer of land wealth in US history.
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So it's better to allow entire neighborhoods to burn up due to all of the above reasons for NOT using saltwater?

I don't buy it. We give away "surplus" fire equipment and trucks to Ukraine but we can't budget to replace hoses, pumps, etc. every few years or as needed due to corrosion from using salt water to save homes?

It boils down to deciding between 2 actions, one apparently too difficult for brain-dead liberals:
  • Thousands of homes lost = Likely billions of dollars but immesureable hardship
  • Replace a hundred hoses, pumps, etc. annually = A measely hundred thousand dollars

It costs significantly more than $1k to replace a fire pump, not to mention the internal piping. Probably 100 times that.

That said, firefighting priorities are to save life, property, and the environment. In that order. The "don't mess up the environment" doesn't even come into play. I have seen helicopter drops being made with sea water a few years back.
There are such things as sea water compatible pumps, trucks, etc... made out of bronze and other materials. Also, look at fireboats.. they could have used them along the beach. Cost a ton of money, but they could purchase them if wanted/needed.

Also, look at the Coast Guard/Navy, etc.. think they use clean water to fight fires on everything? Normal pumps, hoses, etc.. can be used very easily. Just need to ensure proper filtering (seaweed, etc..) and flush everything out well with fresh water.

For democrats to say this is due to climate change (from what creepy Joe is trying to push), and not pure incompetence is bs. Newsom down to the mayor, fire chief, etc.. all had a part in why this happened. How they haven't all resigned in disgrace just shows you they don't give one damn about the people, only about money/power and themselves.

I don't care if you're a democrat, republican, independent, whatever... WE the people have got to do better. WE are the reason these disgusting individuals are in office. Until WE all realize it's not republican vs democrats, it's WE the people vs the hollywood elite, politicians, etc... things will never change for the better.

We WILL end up with two classes throughout the world. The filthy rich/elite and the poor.