I heard from a talk radio host yesterday that Newlittle vetoed a bill that would allow the insurance companies to raise rates according to new risks or increased risks (winds, drought, underbrush, staffing funds diverted to Ukraine, surplus equipment sent to Ukraine, etc.) so many have cancelled and/or pulled out of Kommiefornia.
If so, I really can't blame them. They are not a charity and cannot stay in business and pay claims if they cannot REASONABLY and EQUITABLY APPLY rates according to risks, etc.
Self reliance. What a concept. Doesnt he know he's supposed to let the gubmit handle these things?
Very well said...There are such things as sea water compatible pumps, trucks, etc... made out of bronze and other materials. Also, look at fireboats.. they could have used them along the beach. Cost a ton of money, but they could purchase them if wanted/needed.
Also, look at the Coast Guard/Navy, etc.. think they use clean water to fight fires on everything? Normal pumps, hoses, etc.. can be used very easily. Just need to ensure proper filtering (seaweed, etc..) and flush everything out well with fresh water.
For democrats to say this is due to climate change (from what creepy Joe is trying to push), and not pure incompetence is bs. Newsom down to the mayor, fire chief, etc.. all had a part in why this happened. How they haven't all resigned in disgrace just shows you they don't give one damn about the people, only about money/power and themselves.
I don't care if you're a democrat, republican, independent, whatever... WE the people have got to do better. WE are the reason these disgusting individuals are in office. Until WE all realize it's not republican vs democrats, it's WE the people vs the hollywood elite, politicians, etc... things will never change for the better.
We WILL end up with two classes throughout the world. The filthy rich/elite and the poor.
I'm sure in 10 years, there will be 50 mansions there instead of 1,000 homes.Very well said...
Burn the Middle Class out of their homes...is the Elite's Motto...
That's YOUR opinion and you are entitled to it.There are PLENTY of good solid reasons to attribute poor governance to the Democrats of Kaliforia, however the donated equipment is at best a minor issue here for the worlds 5th economic power house ( People's Republik of Kalifornia )
Donations to Ukraine of Fire Equipment ( old surplus goods which LA area fire departments no longer were going to use, often donated to Mexico - was rerouted to Ukraine ) .. they've had 2 years to replace any equipment they need for stand by.
Thus, logically .. using this as an argument to sully the Democrats of Kalifornia really is not a valid one, as the equipment would have gone to Mexico as it has numerous times in the past.
That's YOUR opinion and you are entitled to it.
I feel that's a pretty weak point to lean on, but that's your prerogative.
Anyway, I don't intend to banter back and forth about it.
I’m actually surprised it took so long. When I was a kid, no one would consider building on the hills around LA because everyone knew they burned every few years. The hills became valuable view lots, but they were also the only land left in a lot of areas.Excellent point ..
"“ It’s kind of like a plan !” Months before the historic flood in NC , homeowners lost their flood coverage. Just before CA fires , homeowners lose their fire coverage. I’m sure that’s just a coincidences. Right ?"