Money & Economics

Short term he's a positive influence, and some of his ideas and picks may well lead to market gains and stability. BUT long term we have 1/3 of our revenue going to paying interest on the debt.... and growing
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We're fucked
But are we really shocked? What to expect when we're shoveling money into Ukraine as fast as we can, pulling illegals in at warp speed and throwing money at them, encouraging and paying to mutilate kids with pseudo sex changes, still smarting from all of the destructive covid programs, all of the government DEI crap, and on and on and on? How could you not expect a record deficit?
But are we really shocked? What to expect when we're shoveling money into Ukraine as fast as we can, pulling illegals in at warp speed and throwing money at them, encouraging and paying to mutilate kids with pseudo sex changes, still smarting from all of the destructive covid programs, all of the government DEI crap, and on and on and on? How could you not expect a record deficit?

Wondering if it had anything to do with $5.2T in pandemic spending ??


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Deficit $367 B .. what to cut ?

It would be interesting to know how much of the Social Security and Medicare budget is actually disbursed for the benefit of individuals, vs. how much for administrative overhead vs. how much for fraud. I know first hand that Medicare is a cash cow for the pharma companies. Looking at one very expensive med I'm taking with info from Medicare reports and web sites in other places, compared to USA the selling price is about 70% in the UK, about 50% in Canada, and less than 10% for an India generic. And interestingly, the different strengths of the same pill cost exactly the same, showing there's little or no relationship between the selling price and production cost. I know and agree the drug company deserves to get rewarded for its R&D and other efforts. They have reduced cost programs for people without insurance. It looks so obvious to me that the drug company is unreasonably and horribly milking insurance providers and Medicare, and everybody pays for it through insurance premiums and taxes. There must be so much money passing under the table in the medical business that it would be difficult or impossible to unravel what's happening and figure out who's skimming it.
It would be interesting to know how much of the Social Security and Medicare budget is actually disbursed for the benefit of individuals, vs. how much for administrative overhead vs. how much for fraud. I know first hand that Medicare is a cash cow for the pharma companies. Looking at one very expensive med I'm taking with info from Medicare reports and web sites in other places, compared to USA the selling price is about 70% in the UK, about 50% in Canada, and less than 10% for an India generic. And interestingly, the different strengths of the same pill cost exactly the same, showing there's little or no relationship between the selling price and production cost. I know and agree the drug company deserves to get rewarded for its R&D and other efforts. They have reduced cost programs for people without insurance. It looks so obvious to me that the drug company is unreasonably and horribly milking insurance providers and Medicare, and everybody pays for it through insurance premiums and taxes. There must be so much money passing under the table in the medical business that it would be difficult or impossible to unravel what's happening and figure out who's skimming it.
There was a time that when Medicare clamped down on fraud/abuse/over charging/charging for unnecessary procedures/etc. from Hospitals/Doctors, the Doctors fought back by refusing to take Medicare patients. This happened to both of my parents. I remember having to call around to find who took Medicare.
Where is the $100 Billion Foreign Aid?

$100 Billion ? Where did you get this number from, I have not found such as high value assigned as Foreign aid so far ..

example :
  • At $63 billion for fiscal year 2023, foreign aid is around 1% of the federal budget. ( ref at bottom )

Re Foreign aid :

It not a simple let's cut that, as foreign aid is used as a part of the USA vs China power conflict
( perhaps we should not have sent that much money to China to keep our inflation lower ? Yes, I know the idea was to somehow encourage China to liberalize by helping to make them capitalists and world traders )

Based on the foregoing comparative analysis of US and Chinese aid programs, several observations can be made. First, both China and the US have actively used their foreign aid and official finance activities to advance their perceived geostrategic and economic interests. Foreign aid has been used by both donor states to foster political influence in recipient governments in ways that can eventually benefit their interests. Both the US and China formally started their foreign aid programs during their respective periods of ascent as economic powerhouses, and their market expansion and wealth accumulation initiatives have been facilitated by the foreign aid conditions imposed on recipient countries.


Foreign aid, personally I think we should also count all the Foreign Investments and Purchases also somehow into the "Foreign Aid calculations", as that money flow also matters when looking at the larger picture.
( including foreign money coming back into the USA in some form .. )

"Foreign Aid", appears to be under various agencies ..


More info here :

Also found this
Looks like most is under USAID ..

ref on foreign aid number
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They’ve sent almost $200 billion to Ukraine already.

It doesnt all come from the actual $63 Foreign Aid budget
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They’ve sent almost $200 billion to Ukraine already.

It doesnt all come from the actual $63 Foreign Aid budget

Actually, a very large part of "$200 B" to Ukraine .. reality is we sent Ukraine a bunch of soon to expire weaponry and sent checks to the US defense industry to make US Military new weaponry.

If you are serious, I can dig up some into on that, however I have done so before numerous times, and yet the question returns.

Russia appears to have done a great job on their influence campaign on this topic
They’ve sent almost $200 billion to Ukraine already.

It doesnt all come from the actual $63 Foreign Aid budget

Simple solution .. costs us very little cash ..

We give back Ukraine their Nukes we guaranteed with Russia and UK the national integrity of Ukraine.

We then can let Ukraine do what it needs to do to get to peace. QED
Where is the $100 Billion Foreign Aid?
About $70.3 billion in aid was promised for fiscal year (FY) 2022, the most recent fully-reported year. Final numbers are not available for FY23 or FY24.
With Ukraine I think $100B is probably low.

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About $70.3 billion in aid was promised for fiscal year (FY) 2022, the most recent fully-reported year. Final numbers are not available for FY23 or FY24.
With Ukraine I think $100B is probably low.

So, do you want to remove all Foreign Aid ?
My whole point was that “foreign aid” doesnt all come from the $63B foreign aid budget. Particularly from the current administration.
Just one more almost DAILY example of US$ being pissed away to "foreign aid"

Its a farce and a word game.