Money & Economics

Annnddddd it’s official

US Jobs Revised Down By 818,000 In Election Year Shocker, Second Worst Revision In US History
And the only people surprised by this info are the brain-dead, spoon-fed, wanna-be-Red sheeple affectionately known as "Democrats." :headbang:
Wow, learned alot from this video...

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Just think about how many people fall into this category. And, I'm primarily talking about a huge segment of the middle class who are trying to project being something they are not. Betcha there are a lot teetering on the brink of financial disaster.

Just think about how many people fall into this category. And, I'm primarily talking about a huge segment of the middle class who are trying to project being something they are not. Betcha there are a lot teetering on the brink of financial disaster.

Socialist; You will own nothing and be Happy...

We just Sold our house, 90+% Buyers will finance their home, meaning they will not own their home, the Lender owns it. Basically a Mortgage is a High Priced Lease...

I understand first time buyers, but majority are Mortgage jumpers I call them. Once we paid off our second house we paid cash for our next two homes.

We hope to Die with no Debt owed...leaving a nice Nest Egg for our kids...
Being debt free with a pile in the bank (banks) is a VERY good feeling ;)
If I had no heirs, I'd be tempted to die with HUGE bank/govt debt :rofl:
Go out of this world with what you came in with, nothing :)
Its coming, its real, and unless stopped they'll own every bit of your ass in very short order.

Future Fears Scale: (0-10 with 10 being the worst)

-Kamala and the Communists finish the takeover of the US - 8
-Planet killing asteroid - 9
-CDBCs introduced at the public/consumer level - 11

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) – Accelerating towards Dystopia
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Socialist; You will own nothing and be Happy...

That's not Socialist but the Capitalist aim. Some have reported it as the Total concentration of the money in the top 1% with them holding all the assets, with everyone else as surfs. A return to the old days of the king in his castle and the peasant scum with nothing outside doing his bidding for just enough to eat. I believe the quote allegedly comes from the World Economic Forum. The Wiki gives a different account and says the quote was taken out of context:

What you beieve is individual. But I think many people have doubts over rich investors aims given a certain well known investment companies alleged purchasing of much residential housing and many super rich allegedly purchasing farmland / food supply chains.
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That's not Socialist but the Capitalist aim. Some have reported it as the Total concentration of the money in the top 1% with them holding all the assets, with everyone else as surfs. A return to the old days of the king in his castle and the peasant scum with nothing outside doing his bidding for just enough to eat. I believe the quote allegedly comes from the World Economic Forum. The Wiki gives a different account and says the quote was taken out of context:

What you beieve is individual. But I think many people have doubts over rich investors aims given a certain well known investment companies alleged purchasing of much residential housing and many super rich allegedly purchasing farmland / food supply chains.
Blackrock is developing Rent only Subdivisions, My son has surveyed several. Some are small, townhome type but he has also done the larger ones that are individual houses. From what I have been told you never own those, but you pay a large sum to live in them. The subdivision we just left and sold our house in has been turning into a rental, where most of the houses are sold to Investors. We decided to sell ours to an individual. Over the 10 years we lived there, I would say close to half of the subdivision is now Rentals/Leases. Pretty sad. Known fact, the housing market, being way over priced, is eliminating many buyers who use to be able to buy a home prior to the ridiculous increase in the market.

Pretty much what has happened to Europe, this has been going on for a long time there. My Uncle has never own a home there and has made a descent salary.

So we were 2/3s ownership 2005, where as Europe is about half.

Yeah we're seeing those neighborhoods pop up here. two close by. 2500+ sq ft homes, cookie cutter of course, for rent only. Brand new but you cant buy them.

One of the best things I did as President of our HOA at the old neighborhood was get a covenant passed/adopted by 75% vs 25% vote of homeowners, to limit the number of rentals to 15% of the homes.
Yeah we're seeing those neighborhoods pop up here. two close by. 2500+ sq ft homes, cookie cutter of course, for rent only. Brand new but you cant buy them.

One of the best things I did as President of our HOA at the old neighborhood was get a covenant passed/adopted by 75% vs 25% vote of homeowners, to limit the number of rentals to 15% of the homes.
When I said close to 50%, that was true on our street, we knew most of the owners but when the renters moved in and out we only met a few. I assume alot of the subdivision is similar to our street. One thing that made Investors swarm to our area is Exxon built a huge facility close where we were told about 10k of their employees now work at. HPE also moved to that same area along with some other oil/gas companies. So some of those investors could be the companies buying for their employees. But other family members and friends have told us they also noticed a rise in Rentals in their subdivisions.
Probably nothing :rolleyes:

In just August, 635k immigrants (legal and illegal) gained a job. Meanwhile, 1.325 MILLION native-born Americans LOST their job.

Since pre-Covid, native-born workers have LOST 2 million jobs. All of the net job gains are immigrants.

Economist warns Modern Monetary Theory is dangerous
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